I Met An Angel Today😇

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Wuxian pov.

The pilot of my private jet announced that the jet would land at Suvarnabhumi Airport. It was been years since I didn't visit my hometown, where I was born, and where I grew up until my father asked me to handle all the company and become the CEO.

When the jet finally landed, Cheng, guide me to get out of the jet & got into the car that waited for us in front of the airport. There were paparazzi but thank god my security guard could handle that well.

After some time, the car arrived in front of a really big & luxurious office building.

"Boss, We are here," Cheng uttered from the front seat beside the driver.

"Huh? Where?" I said with confusion

"We arrived at one of the company's biggest subsidiaries in Thailand, please follow my step," Cheng said formally while opening the door.

Wait, Is he made me to do work with almost 12 hours of flight and my jet-lagged condition? My mood was not in a good condition to work. Right, I would make a deal with him later.

And as he said, I follow his step after one of my staff opened my car doors for me. Cheng & I were greeted by the staff. Maybe it wasn't all the staff because there was just plenty of them here.  The head office told me to follow his step so he could show me my room to do my work here.

After he showed me my new office room, we went to the office hall so he could introduce me formally to the staff.

And here I was, standing in front of almost five hundred staff. As the head office introduced me, I swept my eyes to scan the staff. They looked normal. I mean, with those formal suits and shirts, they looked presentable.

And I guarantee, they tried so hard to look as good as they could because the CEO would come to the office.

There was a strange feeling when I arrived here. I felt like something would happen in a short time. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling, but it stuck in my heart.

I hope it was something good because I didn't like bad things.

Suddenly, something beautiful caught my eye. We stared at each other before he was talking to a man beside him.

Milky-white skin, doe eyes, soft dark brown hair that made me hold my hand to hands to touch it, those enticing lips and his small body, I wonder if my hands could fit his curved waist. Hell, my alpha growled inside me just because of this simple stare.

"Wuxian! The head office finished his speech, it's your turn to give some little words. Where are you, man?" Cheng whispered and shook my shoulder to revive me from eye-fucking that beautiful creature.

With a shocking gesture, I walked to the pulpit and say, "Good morning, as the head office said, I am Wei Wuxian the CEO of Wei Enterprises. I will work on this office from now on, but I still need your help. I hope we can improve together. Thank you and good luck!"

My eyes couldn't stop staring at that angel, and as I said
'Thank you & good luck'  he smiled at me with his pink lips that I wanted to taste.


Wangji pov.

I was waiting in the office hall when the head office came in with someone gorgeous behind him. I never met him in real life before, but I don't know that Wei Wuxian is this amazing. He wore a neat black suit, a white shirt and black shiny shoes. His chest was wide, he is tall as fuck and I guarantee there's something amazing behind that long pants 🙈

My head office started his speech but my ears didn't hear anything. My eyes focused on him, and my mind filled with nothing except his presence.

He looked like he was scanning all the employees in front of him, and like hell, his eyes caught my eyes that enjoyed their new view. I didn't know what to do, my brain crashed. In the end, I choose to talk to Xichen that sat beside me so I didn't faint staring at those eyes that stared back at me.

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