Pinkmilk And Daydreams

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Wuxian POV.

"Gege, it's already late, I want to go home. Mom would be worried." I heard him mumbled on my chest. We were cuddling on the couch now. He was crying for the past hour and I couldn't do anything except made him sat on my lap and hug his fragile
body tightly while apologizing. It's all my fault by the way.

"But I don't want to be apart from you," I said while playing with his-really- soft hair.

"Oh, is my mate become a cheesy man now?" he poked my cheek while giggling. I felt like my mate looked so little.
He was just too cute for a grown man, my inner alpha wanted to lock him in my bedroom so no one could see him except me.

"Well, you could just come to my house" I moved my head from his neck and looked up at his face, he frowned, "What?"

"Really?! can come to your house?" My hands grabbed his little waist tightly, "Is your family accepting me?"

"Yes you can, I already told them about you. And why would my family not accept us? You are my fated mate after all. We both created to be together."

His hands circled on my neck, erasing the space between my face and his.

"Well, you know, we were both men, I think your family will-" he cut off my sentence with placing his index finger on my lips, "I and my brother are pureblood omegas, my family was already known that there's a bigger chance that our mate will turn out a man than a woman." He said.
And he continued his sentence with a whisper on my ear, "and the most
important thing is, I still can carry your pups here." He grabbed my hands and moved them to his flat stomach.

My eyes widen in surprise. Woah heard him whispering that seductive sentence on my ear made me half hard now. I couldn't wait to claim him as mine and saw him carrying my pup on his tummy. I bet it would be the most wonderful view I had ever seen in my life.

"This isn't the right time to have some lewd daydream about me, Gege." He went out from my lap, placing a little peck on my cheek, "Go packed up your stuff and picked me on my cubicle if you want to join my family's dinner tonight."

He winked and left me shaking on the couch. Hoping this little man right here could calm down. My consciousness came back after I heard the door fully closed by Wangji. I rushed myself, packed all my stuff to picked Wangji at his cubicle too.

I couldn't wait to meet his parents, but honestly, I was a little bit nervous too. I walked fast to the elevator and quickly clicked Wangji's department button floor. Once the elevator door opened, I got out of the elevator and made my way to Wangji's cubicle.

There I found him backing me. He bent over his body to picked up some stuff that fell on the floor. My eyes caught his rounded ass moving innocently. I didn't know a man had this kind of a beautiful ass but I knew it was more amazing than every woman that I've ever met.

"Oh, Gege? You are already here! Why didn't you call me? Wait a minute, I have to shut the PC down." He said cutting off my daydreaming about his ass.

I felt like I was caught red-handed staring at his ass, couldn't find any words to answer him, "U-uh, i-it's not a problem, yeah, take your time." I stuttered.

He stood in front of me with his work bag in his hands not long after he caught me starring at him, "I'm done, Gege." He said.

I never realized that Arthit's work shirt fit his body's shape this well.

"Let's go, then." I held his right hand and walked to the elevator so we could go to the basement where my car parked. He walked beside me and holding my hand tight, but when we arrived in front of my car, he pulled my hand that holding his hands. I turned around and saw Arthit looking down the floor and blushing hard.

"What's going on, Didi? Do you need something?" I asked him.

"H-hmm, uh, yeah." He said shyly. He looked really cute and adorable.

"What is it, hm?" I walk closer to him. I took his chin up so I could saw his adorable face. His face was all red and that's made him even cuter.

"Well, Uhm, I didn't get any pink milk today. S-so I want to know if I can get one of them on our way home." He took
his chin off of my hands and turned to look at the floor again, "B-but, i-if you don't want to, i-its alright."

This side of Arthit was different from the one who told me that he would carry my pups hours ago. I thought I could go insane because of him.

"So cute,' I rubbed his soft hair, "I can't deny what my mate asks because he acts so adorable in front of me. Just tell me where should we buy your pinkmilk."

"Woah! Are you sure?" he blinked and stared at me like a puppy.

"I'm one billion percent sure."

"Let's go then!" He excitedly ran, get  in the car.


Wangji POV.

I sipped the large cup of pink milk on my hand happily.

Wuxian gege said he wanted to buy some flowers for my family. The florist was near the place where I usually bought my pink milk. He told me to stayed in the car while he got my pink milk and the flowers. I already told him to buy the small one. I didn't want to be a burden. But in the end, he bought a really large cup of pink milk!

"Wuxian gege, thanks for the pink milk! How much did it cost? I usually buy the smaller size so I don't know the price." I turned my face to him.

"If I told you the price, what will you do?" He said still looking on the road.

"Of course, I will pay it back! I couldn't let you spend your money on something that's not really important for you."

"Oh well, you don't have to, Didi. Your needs are important. You are important." He smiled at me and turning back his eyes to the road.

"But I want to pay it back, Gege! It felt really inappropriate if I didn't turn
your money back." I said as I felt the car stopped in front of my house.

He looked at me and smirked like I was his prey. He leaned forward to my seat and brought his face closer to mine.

"Oh! You can pay it back if you want, but not with money." His eyes stared
at my lips. I bit my lips shyly feeling his gaze burned me,"H-how?"

"Just a kiss, on my lips, your pink milk will be paid off" He smirked again and took my chin so I could get closer to him. Our face was close. With just one move my lips would touch his.

"W-what? I-I c-can't do i-it." Damn, I stuttered too much. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I'm too nervous to did it.

"But you said you want to pay back your pink milk?"

"Yes! b-but"

"Just kiss me,"

I took a really deep breath and my close my eyes, my body leaned forward to his body. My lips made their way to Wuxian gege's lips  while my hand circled his neck.

It wasn't a peck, but it wasn't too intimate kiss either. I just... kissed him.

I saw his body froze in his seat.

"Let's go out, Gege. My family is waiting." I got out of the car hiding my redden face.


Enjoy reading and ignore grammatical errors.


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