More memories of ivy

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Back to ivy writing her letter.]
Ivy (V.O): Once a year of remembrance day we're asked to write letters to our lost loved ones. We sign our names, fold them up and scatter them through out the cemetery. My BestFriends and my cousins and my brothers and I usually don't see the point in it. Why write to the dead? I'd rather not think about it at all. Except lately, Death keeps knocking on my door...

Ivy (V.O): Today I messed up. Bad.

[ivy finishes writing her letter and rips the page out of her journal]
Ivy (V.O): I'm not sure I know how to fix it. I was told today that yous guys would never find peace until I found it in myself.
Ted: As for your uncles and aunts . They watches over you and your brothers everyday. They did die with love in their heart and they doesn't regret his choice. [ivy smiles slightly] But they won't find peace, until you do.
Ivy sighed slightly, finally understanding how she knew, this is how.
Ivy (V.O): I hope that was a lie told to punish me.
God knows I deserve that.
[ivy folds her letter into a flower.]
ivy (pOv): But if it's true l'm gonna do better.
[ivy is crying in the darkness of Ted's mind] Today I saw a glimpse of what true loneliness feels like. Of what lies in store for me if I don't fine my own peace [She finishes folding the letter] So I'm going to get to work on that and help my bothers do the same.

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