chapter 1

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Somewhere on a rainy morning in Tokyo, a teenager was slowly making his way down the streets.

The clouds were dark and the drizzle of water they released beat noisily against the young man's umbrella.

Tapping the ground with the cane in his right hand, the boy moved forward step-by-step, being very careful not to trip over something or slip on the puddles of water that had already formed all over the sidewalk.

To his right the splashing sound of rubber car tires rolling over the wet asphalt deterred him from getting too close to the road.

He soon reached a crossroad and the 18 year old was at a loss on whether to turn left or to go right.

His confusion only lasted for a short while because a sudden gust of wind ripped the black umbrella from his hands.

'I guess I'll be heading back then'

With this in mind he started to walk in the direction from which he had come. Satou Tsukasa couldn't chase after the umbrella for a simple reason, he was blind.

Today, he was attending the funeral of a close friend. The event wasn't over yet, and after using the excuse of 'clearing his head' he now finds himself waddling through the cold rain on a bitter Friday morning.

With great reluctance he sluggishly shuffled back to the funeral when a shrill sound assaulted his ear drums.

A truck that had skidded out of control was approaching him at a terrifying speed and before Tsukasa could even react ... he got struck by lightning.

[Truck-sama: Damn the lightning got him, mother nature could be a cold b!tch out here]

'Where am I, did I die?'

"Welcome to the after-life young one" a loud voice stated.

"Who's there" Tsukasa who still couldn't see turned to face the source of the sound.

"I am an angel" the voice replied.

'An angel?'

Surprised at his own calmness through all this, Tsukasa asked the self proclaimed angel a simple question

"If I'm in heaven then why can't I see? I wasn't born blind you know"

The angel let out an awkward laugh before responding

"You're not in heaven"


Tsukasa was now beginning to panic

"Chill out and allow me to
explain" the angel stated in a calming tone

"The thing is, my associates were arguing on what could kill you faster a truck or a heart attack"


"I struck you with lightning to end the argument and now those annoying fellows have brought your soul here for reckoning"

"What the heck" the blind boy unconsciously thought out loud

"I see that you're displeased with all this but don't worry, as compensation you can be reborn with all your memories into any world you wish"

The angel finished his statement but seeing that Tsukasa was unresponsive he added

"It's a pretty sweet deal don't you think? The possibilities are endless"

While the angel was busy acting like a desperate salesman Tsukasa only had one thought in his head

'Yeeeeeesssssss!!!!!!! It's finally happening!!!!!!!!!!'

He had been waiting for this moment all his life

'I'm going to get isekai'd!!'

He calmed himself before starting to speak

"I'd like to be born in the Naruto world"

"If that is your wish" the angel replied

"I'll also need extremely massive chakra reserves and a whole lot of natural talent"

"I only told you to pick the wor..."

"I almost forgot, you'll have to make me to be around the same age as the main character"


"Is there a problem" Tsukasa asked

"No I just..."

As the angel began to speak a warm feeling spread throughout the young man's soul

"...hope you don't regret your decision"

'Wait what?!'


'I-I can see!'

These were the thoughts in the baby's mind when its eyes perceived light for the first time.

He was being held closely by a strikingly beautiful woman with a bountiful chest.

"He's adorable" her voice was sweet and soft when she spoke.

"What shall we name him" the lean man sitting on a wheelchair beside her spoke

"Renji, his name is Renji"

After saying this, she passed the child to the man who looked so pale and sickly that the baby feared he'd drop him.

"I expect great things from you, Uchiha Renji"

'Huh, Uchiha?????!!!!!!'

End of chapter 1

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