Chapter 20

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"How can you eat so much?"

Renji stared incredulously as Anko who was comfortably reclining on the couch devoured the dango balls without slowing down.

The lady with the ravenous appetite spared him a glance before replying

"It's a skill"

It was late in the evening and the two of them had arrived at the apartment minutes ago.

Renji had taken the pleasure in unpacking the bags and revealing all the stuffed animals they had gotten.

There were bunnies, monkeys a  multi-colored striped tiger and even a red pig. His favorite though, was the large panda Anko had won for him in a dart shop.

The thing was more than half his size. He could conveniently use it as a pillow and the fuzziness of the fur made him feel relaxed.

Anko found Renji's excitement towards the plushies amusing to say the least.

"Have you given it a name"

She asked while pointing to the panda

"Yes I have, he is Po the Kung Fu Panda"

Renji replied

"Po? Kung Fu? What is that?"

"You wouldn't understand"

At this point they heard a knock on the door.

Renji instantly froze as he recognized the chakra signature.

It was the person that had been following them around earlier on!

He was about to speak but was quickly shushed by Anko who had already pulled out a kunai

"Find somewhere to hide"

She whispered to him before taking slow steady steps towards the door.

The young Uchiha crouched behind the sofa and peeked at the doorway.

The considerable amount of chakra coming from the other side made him feel nervous.

Anko slowly opened the creaky door and instead of finding hostile shinobi, she was greeted by a tired looking woman with long red hair.


Anko stated in surprise

'Miku? Uzumaki Miku!'

After this realization Renji came out of his hiding spot and watched as Anko ushered the lady in.

She was about to ask why the red head was here Miku suddenly spoke

"I have a request for you"

"A request?"

Anko asked with a puzzled expression.

She had never really spoken to the Uzumaki in kusagakure and only managed to learn her name from the doctor who spoke of her sometimes.


Miku bowed her head before she continued speaking

"When you're done with your mission and are heading back to the village please take me along with you!"


Anko and Renji were both stunned at this development

"Mission? What are you talking about?"

Anko feigned ignorance

The Uzumaki threw an apologetic glance at Renji and spoke

"I'm sorry but I overheard the conversation with you and the blonde patient"

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