29: a different perspective

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A/N: Yeah, imma stop making promises.

It was late at night and the large domineering walls of Kusagakure stood in the dark like an impenetrable barrier.

On these walls in which so many shinobis were stationed, two friends were having a light hearted conversation.

“Man I’m so freaking tired, can’t beleive we got stuck on night duty again”

"come on it’s not that bad, at least-"

"at least what?"

"Yeah ive got nothing, this job sucks... at least we get to spend time together"

"sorry, im not interested in dudes"

"yeah i kn... wait! that’s not what i meant you son of a bi–"

"–speaking of bitches"

"I DO NOT need a girlfriend"

"is dying alone really that great?"



"yes sir!"

"yes sir!"


"you know nights like this are actually not that bad"

"You know what? You’re freaking right. We get 3 whole hours of sleep, stay up all night, and even get to feed the mosquitos. What more could a person want"


"ok im sorry for being such a dick. I get what you mean, the atmosphere is kinda peaceful ... and quiet too"


The sounds of explosions echoed throughout the night as the forest was set ablaze.

"Spoke too soon"

The alarm was raised and orders were barked

“This is most likely to be a diversion. Squad 5, 7 and 8 will be sent to the area of the blast, the others are to bolster the defences at the southern and eastern gates"

The vanguard unit of 12 Shinobis was quickly formed and Toru was appointed as the overall captain.

‘great, just great’

“you better take this seriously"

"When have I not taken things seriously"

Toru gave a quick reply to Takashi before going to address his unit

“Keep a distance of at least 10 meters from each other. We don't have a lot of men so everyone should make use of the clone jutsu to bolster our numbers.."

"... It can just be a regular clone. Our main focus is on misdirection"

The night shrouded the world like a veil. In it's heavy concealment, a seemingly large number of shinobis dispersed into the forest with  soundless movements.

As the captain, Toru had to be the one at the forefront of the group.

With the shadows masking his approach, he swiftly glided through the trees while keeping an eye out for any abnormalities.

Then all of a sudden, without any warning, the collosal sized head of a dragon made of pure fire filled up his entire vision.

He was almost engulfed by the flames and only managed to barely scrape past the jutsu. The heat from the flames leaving a 3rd degree burn on his right arm.

When he regained his balance two figures moving at high speeds blurred past him

“Toru are you alright!”

The voice came from Takashi who had come to his aid.

“Yeah I’m good. I just got a small burn”

“Ok then let’s-”


“huh, what do you mean don’t?”

“don’t chase after them, you’ll die”

“Toru this is no time for jokes"

"I'm being serious! That person is on some main character weed shit. we cant take him on!"

"...Then what do you expect me to do"



"Why do I have to risk my life on a fight I know I won’t win,"

"Why? because you’re the captain of the bloody team!"


"Listen up toru, you're a talent Kusagakure needs. You have to stop being selfish and start thinking about what’s best for your village"

"can you feel that?"

"feel what?"

"I can sense a weak source of chakra. It’s coming from over there"

Toru stated as he pointed in the direction opposite where the intruders followed

"Damn it man. I ain’t got time for your games!"

His words left no impact as Toru had already fled the scene.


he cursed inwardly while giving chase

They skimmed through the trees with excellent skill. Takashi was tempted to throw a jutsu at his friend but ultimately held back his intrusive thoughts when he began to notice the blood trails on the ground.

When they eventually reached the place Toru had mentioned, they saw a figure struggling to crawl in the direction of the village.

He had a ghastly wound on his back and most of his flesh was charred.

The tattered remains of his Kusagakure uniform indicated that he was an ally

“Hey what happened!”

Toru asked while trying to support him with his hands


the man stuttered as he slowly lost consiousness



A/N: Am I inconsistent? Yes
         Does it bother me? Almost

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