31: A mission

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Toru almost knocked down his chair when he heard what the director had to say

'madness. this is madness'

The implications of the secrets revealed were so deep that he was momentarily stunned into silence. 

Turning his head to the side he noticed that his friend, Takashi, wasn't faring well either.

As he began thinking about what to say he once again heard the directors lowered voice.

You two found Oda. This means you're also the only ones who know the identity of the infiltrating shinobi. 

If it weren't for this fact you won't have had any form of access to this information.

While listening to the man's explanation all Toru and Takashi could do was nod feebly.

Now that you are aware of the circumstances, you must contribute to the cause by completing the missions that will be given. 

Yes sir!

Yes sir!

After hearing their unanimous reply the director nodded in acknowledgement and instructed.

Your first assignment begins tomorrow, at 6 am, meet the blonde ninja who will be waiting under the water bridge in the western district.

After speaking the director got up and performed a strange variation of what they recognized as the transformation jutsu. 

His height reduced, his waist became slimmer and his bust  enlarged. With fuller lips and smooth, fiery long hair that cascaded down his back, he had transformed into an Uzumaki!

Toru who seemed unnerved by the transformation asked

"Um sir, what are you going to do looking like that"

the man glanced back at them before moving to step out of the office

"I'm going to set the stage for you"

The next day...

The gloomy morning was chilly with the cool air seeming to wash away all drowsiness. Dressed in normal civilian clothes Toru navigated through the western district which had yet to fully come awake.

When he arrived at the location, a twenty meter long stone bridge with a steady stream of water flowing underneath, he dropped to the ground and threaded carefully along the walls. There, not so far away, a lonely figure with legs crossed was leaning on the walls while spinning a kunai on his index finger.

took you guys long enough


Toru turned his head only to realize that Takashi had at some point been standing beside him. He almost yelped in fear but ultimately managed to restrain his emotions.

"Nice to meet you"

the lonesome figure continued

I'm Kenzo

The blonde introduced with an outstretched palm

Toru stared at the shinobi in front of him and gave a stiff handshake before asking



Kenzo replied with a plain smile

"Alright then, what's the mission?"

Takashi questioned

"Today, we are kidnapping someone"

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