Chapter 3

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4 shurikens darted through the air making their way with great speed towards Shisui

(A frontal attack huh?)

With this thought in mind, he brought out 4 throwing stars of his own and threw them at the oncoming ones.

The shrill sound of the metal collision reverberated through the forest and all the throwing weapons were stopped dead in their tracks, all except one.

A dangerous glint of light revealed a shuriken that had been hiding in the shadows of the earlier ones.

(The shadow shuriken technique)

Shisui instantly recognized this move. After all, he was the one who taught his adversary.

He put his hands in his pouch and was about to counter when the sharp object dissapointingly veered off course.

Before Shisui could relax the shuriken with a poof of smoke transformed into Renji who threw the kunai in his hand at Shisui.

When he noticed that a paper bomb was attached to the triangular blade, Shisui gave up any ideas he might have earlier had and performed a backward handspring to launch himself as far away from the kunai as possible.

The projectile sank into the soil before detonating. The resulting explosion was loud and it's shockwave levelled a few shrubs that were close by. Birds were chased away, rubble was spread and smoke hung in the air.

Without wasting anymore time Shisui placed his hands in his pouch and threw two shurikens at his younger brother who was still suspended in the air.

The throwing weapons got their mark, granted they missed any vital spots it was still incredibly painful ... at least that was what Shisui thought until Renji morphed into a cloud of white smoke.

(Shadow clone?)

Shisui was genuinely impressed but he had no time to react, the original Renji had already emerged from the smoke and was charging towards him.

Upon stumbling on a rock the elder of the two brothers lost his balance, Renji not wanting to miss such an opportunity pumped large amounts of chakra into his feets and dashed forward at a breakneck speed.

His silhouette was barely visible and it seemed like he had become the wind itself.

Brandishing his shortsword he made to slash at his target but,  the cunning Shisui who had pretended to lose his balance slightly raised his left leg causing the speeding Renji to ram headfirst into his knee, knocking the overeager Uchiha out in the process.



Renji who was passed out for a few minutes complained while rubbing his forehead.

While he was unconscious Shisui had treated his wounds and now a white bandage was firmly wrapped in place above his eyebrows.

"Cheater" Renji accused

"Like I always say..."

"The essence of a shinobi lies in deception"

Renji completed the statement he's heard for like the millionth time now.

"It's true" Shisui spoke with a pause, then he continued

"That's why genjutsu is my forte"

The training ground was as relaxing as always. Bright patches created by sunlight that managed to seep through the canopy of leaves were littered everywhere.

This gave the forest an aesthetic value, it was the kind of scenery you'd want to put up as a wallpaper -if you could ignore the small crater on the floor and the scorch marks surrounding it-

Renji closed his eyes and took a deep breath, after which he opened them and came to focus on Shisui who was still packing up the first aid kit.

He was grateful, if Shisui's knee had been a few centimeters lower ... Renji shuddered at the thought of irreversible damage being dealt to his face.

"When did you master the shadow clone jutsu"

Shisui asked his brother who was fiddling  with a twig.

"3 days after you showed me"

Shisui raised his head as if making a mental calculation. After a while he spoke

"That's pretty impressive"

"Uh ... thanks?"

"Oh I forgot to add, don't ever move at speeds like that again"

"Wh..." Renji was about to speak when he got interrupted

"At least until you get your sharingan"

With a nod off his head Renji made it clear that he understood

'Moving at such speeds makes a simple counterattack unavoidable. Wait, where have I heard that before?'

Renji held his aching head in an attempt to remember but ended up drawing nothing but a blank.

Shisui who had been sitting all this while rose from his position before speaking

"That's enough for today, let's go"

"Why, it's still noon"

"I want to introduce you to someone"

'That's new'

Springing to his feet Renji asked

"Who is it"

"You'll find out when we get there"

A few minutes later Renji found himself standing in front of a large building. Recognizing the structure as the house of the clan's patriarch, he couldn't help but shiver in anticipation.

'Itachi huh'

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