Chapter 6

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A week later ...

'Firestyle : Great fireball jutsu'

Following this thought a massive orb of red hot flames charged through the forest.

The extreme heat seared the leaves before the flames could even consume then and the only thing left after the orb of fire had passed was a straight line of Ash and burning wood that cut through a cluster of trees.

This made it look as if the devil had run through the forest.

"Why ... Did ... I have to do that?" Renji asked while gasping for breath.

Earlier on Tengen had instructed him to use the most powerful jutsu in his arsenal to destroy a small section of the forest.

Going with the jutsu Shisui taught him, Renji let out fireball after fireball until the once pristine collection of trees was turned into a scorching inferno.

The heat was already becoming unbearable and smoke filled the air, making it hard to breathe.

'The Eco-club will hate me for this'

Tengen let out a cough before speaking.

"Let's get out of here"

When they were a good distance away from the burning site Renji asked

"So why did you tell me to burn down the forest"

"I'd have done it myself but I'm trying to conserve my chakra"

"That doesn't explain anything"

Tengen contemplated Renji's words then spoke

"Remember the gambling den I visited?"

"You mean the one where you cheated with genjutsu?"

"How do you know about that?"

"I followed you; transformation justu"

Tengen feigned surprised then shook his head before he continued to speak

"Well I think I might have dragged a bit too much attention, seeing as they've been following us for half a day"

"Someone has been following us?"

Renji was stunned, he had a good grasp on chakra perception and he didn't even sense one of them

For half a day!

He made to turn around and check but was stopped by Tengen.

"We're dealing with a team made up of shinobi and right now you're the son of a merchant, don't cause a fuss"

"Oh, okay"

Renji wasn't sure what an elite -they were definitely elite if they could evade his perception- team of shinobi would be looking for in a run down casino but he wasn't going to argue.

It is said that wisdom comes with age and Tengen was definitely older than Renji, even with his previous life being added to the mix.

'Am I forgetting something?'

They travelled for a few more hours then stopped to make camp before the sun fully set.

Tengen got a fire going while Renji skewered the pieces of preserved meat they intended on grilling.

By the time they settled down, the sun had already been usurped by a large round moon whose subtle light did well to illuminate the night.

Tengen sat on a tree stump while Renji sat on a log which conveniently happened to be there.

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