2. What Goes Around Comes Around

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Lynn's pov

One more week until we officially return to work. We've been doing training simulations to help us get back in shape. I'm ready to get back into things. Today the whole team has a simulation to accomplish and I hope it goes well. We're all shaken up a bit still, but not as bad as Louis.

The whole starting as friends and eventually coming as a couple hasn't been working out very well. It hasn't even started. I really want to be more than friends with Louis, but he hasn't come out of his bubble. I want to kiss him and let him know everything is ok, but he would probably just get another panic attack.

I met the guys at the helicopter pad at the airport, because we were being taken to an unknown location for training. When I saw the guys they looked no different than a herd of *zombies. (*A/N: I'm having Walking Dead withdrawals)

"Ready to go?" I asked cheerfully, trying to lift the mood. They just grumbled. As soon as we boarded the helicopter I fell asleep.


I was awaken by Niall shaking me.

"Lynn get up! We gotta jump out!" He shouted


"The helicopter is going down. The pilot already left us. We have to go!" He said and handed a parachute. I looked around and saw a glimpse of Liam jumping out. Louis was rocking back and forth with Harry trying to coax him out of the plane. "I'm going" Niall said.

"Come on Louis! Let's go!!!" I screamed. No luck. "Harry I got this. You need to get out"

"No!" He said.

"Your choice" I said and pushed him out the door. "Sorry!" I yelled. I bent down next to lou. "Come on lou let's go" I said softly. He continued to rock back and forth. I grabbed his head and brought my lips to his. I pulled back. "I'll be right beside you ok?" He looked up and nodded. I grabbed his hand and we jumped out of the door.


When we landed on the ground I took a minute to take in my surroundings. It seemed like we were on an Island of some sort. We were all safe but we were not all exactly calm.


Louis was sitting down next to me and all that I could hear from him were 'dead', 'alone', and 'killer squirrels'. Liam was already ahead of us and trying to make a fire. Harry was.... Actually I don't know where Harry is. Last time I saw him is when I pushed him out of the plane... Oh my God. My heart fell into my stomach.

"Harry!" I screamed. "Harry!" My heart was racing. Did Harry have his parachute on? Did he pull the string. DID I KILL HIM?

Seconds later the curly boy came out of the trees and ran to us in the beach. And dang he was mad.

"What the heck Lynn?! You almost freakin killed me-" he fumed but I interrupted.

"Killed you? I practically saved yours and Louis's lives. You should be thanking me!"



"JUST SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU!!" Louis stood up and yelled at us. "That's not going to solve anything" we were all silent. That was new for him.

"I'm sure that the agency is looking for us right now" Liam said. "All we need to do is stay-"


We all jumped.


"What the-"


All of the sudden about twelve people with guns came out of the tree line

"I think that we should run" said Niall.

"That's probably a good idea" I replied.

We took off running into the trees a ways down the beach. I could hear the gunshots firing behind us.

"Ah!" I heard Louis cry out. I looked to my side and saw him on the ground clutching his leg but no blood.

"Louis were you shot?" Liam asked and ran to him.

"Yeah but I don't think that it was a bullet, but it felt like one" he said and grimaced. There was a green dart in his leg.

"I'm gonna pull it out" I said.

"No time for that" Niall said and grabbed my arm. I looked back and Louis was on his feet with one arm around Harry's shoulders. All five of us ran for our lives. Out of nowhere pain exploded in my back and I screamed. Niall grabbed on to me and pulled me along with him.

It wasn't just Louis and I that got hit with those darts. All of us had multiple darts in us and I bet we looked like human pincushions.

To make matters worse, the land stopped and there was a cliff right in front of us.

"What do we do?" Niall panted. Liam looked over the cliff.

"Jump" he said.

"What?" Louis asked panicky.

"There's water at the bottom" Liam said.

"You don't know how deep it is. There-Ah" I tried to say but was interrupted by another dart slamming into my shoulder.

"What goes around comes around" Harry said and pushed me off the cliff.


Niall's pov

Lynn's screams filled the air.

"YOU BLOODY IDIOT" I screamed at Harry. "Lynn!" I yelled and jumped over the side of the cliff as well.

Water came up and hit me. I could hear the sounds of other human bodies as well. I swam to the surface and gasped for air. An arm grabbed me and pulled me to land.

"Are you ok Nialler?" Lynn asked me worriedly.

"Me? Are you ok? You were pushed, I jumped to save you" I said.

"You would risk your life like that to save me?" Lynn asked.

"Of course I would. I would do it anytime" I stated. Lynn smiled and looked down.

"Awww thats sweet Nia-"

"Thank God the waters deep!" Liam exclaimed after he got to the surface of the water. Harry and Louis joined him not that long after. We all swam to the nearest shore.

We laid there panting. It didn't seem like we were being followed at the minute.

"We gotta pull these out" Lynn broke the silence. She ripped a dart out of her shoulder and cried out in pain. "Come on guys." Everyone pulled theirs.

It was getting dark outside. A fire was burning in the middle of us. We all sat in a circle. I would say that we were ok, but that's a lie. Louis was the worst out of all of us.

His face was emotionless. His eyes were blank and his arms were hugging his knees. I don't think I was the only one who picked up on this. Harry got up and sat inches in front of him.

"You can't do this here Lou" he said. "We need you. You can't do this. You don't get to. We all have to stay strong and survive. You need to snap out of this and bring the old Louis back. We can't d-do this w-without you" His voice started to shake. "I can't do this without you" he whispered the last part. I think Louis and I were the only ones who heard him.

Louis's eyes met Harrys and then he looked down.

"I'm going to take first watch" Lynn said. "The rest of you guys sleep"

"Wake me up if you get tired" I said.

"Ok" she said.

I laid down and shut my eyes waiting for what tomorrow would bring us.

A/N: yay chapter two!!!!!!!


Breaking Loose (Sequel to U.K.'s Most Wanted a Larry Stylinson A.U.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя