10. Another Mission

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Liam's pov

About a week after we got back from our 'training exercise' we were called into Simon's office for a meeting.

"Hello boys" Simon said with a smile.
No one smiled back.

I noticed that Louis and Harry wouldn't go near each other and Niall and Lynn were almost conjoined.

"Haha so I think that we should discuss your next mission" he said.

We all groaned.

"NOOOOOOOO" Niall cried and got on his knees.

"Yuuuuuup so this will be a real undercover mission. No deserted islands"

"THEN WHY DID YOU SEND US-" Harry was cut off by Lynn shoving her hand over his mouth.

"That was for testing purposes" Simon said. "This time we're sending you to Beverly Hills in America. This mission is to catch a fraud. We don't know who it is yet but we know how to set up the mission. You see this person is in almost like a mafia but not as bad. The criminal has been stealing, selling drugs, and killing across the globe."

"So like a mafia?" Louis asked.

"Well- I uh...sure" Simon said.

I looked around and everyone looked a little bit uncomfortable.

"So here's the roles," he continued. "There's this mansion where we will be sending you to that we think is their HQ.
Louis you will be the butler looking for a job. And we've made sure that you will get the job so don't worry. You will serve the people in the house.
Harry and Liam  you two will be on look out. Practically stalking the house. You will attend parties that's they have as friends of the family. Don't worry they have parties very often.

Niall you will join Harry and Liam but you will also be the 'delivery boy'. You will drop 'items' off at the house and also delivering information to and from Louis.
Well the next part will be new to you guys. We have another person joining us for this mission. She's a new agent here."

As if on cue the door to his office opens and my heart drops. Maddie.

She walked in and stood next to Simon. Not making eye contact with me.

"This is Agent Maddie Stuart. She, like Louis, will be staying in the mansion also. She will be a business associate and trying to find out who's the ring leader in the business. She's not joining the team, she's just helping us out with the next mission. Lynn, you will be her 'best friend' and make frequent visits to her. You guys leave in three days ok?" Simon asked. We all grumbles and made our way out of the office.

When we got into the hallway, Maddie and Louis embraced laughing.

"Uh what's going on?" Lynn asked.

"Well Maddie and I went to training school together. We were the top two students there and best friends." Louis said smiling.

Lynn just bit her lip and looked down.

"Soooo food?" Niall broke the awkwardness.

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