11. Thin Threads

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A/N: Guess who's back, back ag-no? Ok:-(

Warning: L A R R Y

Louis's pov

When I opened my eyes, I was welcomed with overwhelming brightness, which didn't help the headache that had found its way to me...

I sat up and realized that I was in my bed and I was still in my clothes from last night.

I went to stand which made me feel extremely nauseous. Probably not a good idea to move around much.

I stumbled my way over to my dresser and put on a fresh t-shirt and sweats. I then went into my bathroom and splashed some water on my face.

When I looked into the mirror, I did a double-take at what I saw....

I did not look like my normal self. There were bags under my eyes, and my skin wasn't its regular tan self. Man I really let myself go....

After I cleaned up and felt better, I went downstairs. I grabbed myself some aspirin and made a cup of tea.

"I see your feeling better" Harry's raspy morning voice spoke from behind me.

"Uh yeah...about that. What happened?"

"You mean you don't remember?" Harry asked and his eyes widened.

"No. Well I remember passing out outside" I said, "anything else happen after that?"

"Uh-no. Nothing at all..." He said but I didn't believe him.

There was still a lot of awkwardness that was present between us. He's probably still mad about I, yet again, rejecting him for some stupid reason. I really do mess a bunch of things up.

"I left your phone here last night and you got a voicemail from Simon" he spoke up.

"Thanks" I said and smiled.

"I'm just, gonna um go" Harry said and left the kitchen. I could here his big feet running up the stairs.

I pick up my phone and listened to the message.

"Agent Tomlinson, is Simon. You need to come down to HQ ASAP. There's something that we need to discuss" he said and the message ended.

Well that sounds important...

I went upstairs and got ready. Before o left, I knocked on Harry's door.

"I gotta go to HQ," I told him,"I'll see ya later".

"Ok" I heard from the other side and I sighed. I went outside and grabbed a cab.

My heart beat sped up as I got closer. Something wasn't right...

When we pulled out, I payed the driver and went inside the building.

I went to the front desk, and the lady there immediately said,"Mr. Cowell's waiting on his office"

Okay now I know that something was off.

I took an elevator and went up to the fourth floor. I took a deep breath and then knocked.

"Come in" a voice said and I went in. "Sit" Simon said to me and I did.

Breaking Loose (Sequel to U.K.'s Most Wanted a Larry Stylinson A.U.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя