9. Not Again...

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A/N: This is random but I saw the Force Awakens and I am currently in shock from it. DONT WORRY I WONT SPOIL IT. I mean I thought it was good but my favorite is The Empire Strikes Back. Which one did you guys like the most?

Harry's pov

"Put the man down Agent Tomlinson" one man said.

I was confused. Louis looked shocked.

"How do you know his name?" Lynn asked.

"I... Uh-"

"Give me answer or I will kill him!" Louis said and his voice started to shake as he spoke.

The guys face started turning blue and Louis had a feral look in his eyes.

"I think that he would really do it" Niall whispered to me.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Kill that guy"

The thing is: I didn't disagree.

The old Louis seemed to have completely left him. I've never seen this part of him before and it scared me.

Louis clicked the trigger of the dart gun and pointed at another man.

"Louis stop!" Lynn snapped.

"Louis come one mate! Don't do it!" Liam pleaded.

I noticed that Louis's started to shake.

"ITS A TRAINING EXERCISE!!!!!" A small guy from the back spoke up. He looked to be right out of training.

"A what" Louis said and gritted his teeth.

"It's a training exercise. We're from the U.S.A. also" *a/n: u.s.a stands for U.k's Special Agents*

"Prove it" I demanded.

One by one they pulled out their cards. Relief flooded me.

Louis dropped the gun and the man who fell to the ground and his friends rushed towards him.

"I'm Agent Walsh. I'm in charge of the undercover unit." A very small middle aged man said. "Agent Cowell has instructed me to put you through this training exercise to test your survival skills, endurance, how you work together, how you handle stressful situations, etc."

"Are you for real?" Niall asked. "We could have died. Those dart could of-"

"If we thought that your life was endangered, we would have stopped it right away. And those darts are just simulations" Agent Walsh said.

"We so could of died" Lynn exclaimed. "There was a cliff and-"

"This is a man-made island. We control everything that's put here"

"You son of-" Louis snarled and lunged at Agent Walsh but Liam and I held him back.

"The plan was to keep you here no longer than 10 days but you seemed to have... Succeed our expectations"

"I'm going to kill you and-" Louis was interrupted by Liam's hand covering his mouth. 

"Can we just go home?" I asked.

"Yes a helicopter should be here in an hour" Agent Walsh said with a smile.


5 hours later

So we got back to England and all of us were checked out by paramedics. We were fine but a little bit dehydrated and exhaustion but we could go home.

Breaking Loose (Sequel to U.K.'s Most Wanted a Larry Stylinson A.U.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя