7. I Got Your Back

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Harry's pov

I just kept following Louis. I just wanted to be by his side no matter what happens.

What he said earlier really dug at me. I guess that we weren't really helping him to begin with. We spent more time talking about him than trying to help him.

I don't know why but a certain memory came into my mind from our first case.


The team was at Liam and Nialls flat discussing the case.

"The last attack was in Italy so I think we should head there tomorrow. Maybe get some info there. It looks like Caroline and Ollie are going after the bait on each team." Zayn said. Louis gulped.

"Don't worry Louis we'll keep you safe" Niall said and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah don't want Tomlinson here to get an owie" I said sarcastically.

"Who peed in your Cheerios this morning Curly?" Louis sassed back. All the boys but me were trying to hold back laughs. I got up and grabbed Louis's shirt and pushed him against the wall.

"Know what Tomlinson-" I began.

"Yeah your breath stinks. Did your attitude brush your teeth this morning because it's BAD" louis told me.

I replied to him with a side kick to the ribs and a punch to the stomach. Louis doubled over. Immediately regret filled be but I tried to hide it as fast as possible.


"No it's ok." Louis picked himself up and tried to compose a straight posture with his throbbing ribs. "He hits just like my 6 year old twin sisters"

"Whatever. Let's just meet tomorrow at the airport it's a 6hr flight to Italy tomorrow and in that time we can figure out more clues" I said and with that I left the flat and slammed the door.

I went outside and called for a cab. Every time that I breathed out, it looked like smoke. I shivered in the cold air.

When I step through the doors of my house immediately guilt filled me.

"Why are you so stupid?!" I shouted at myself.

I hadn't meant to hurt him. Every time I got this weird feeling around him I felt like I had to push him away to make it stop.

But deep down, I didn't want it to...

~flash back ends~

"Louis!" I shouted. "Stop for a sec".

He did, which surprised me.

"Yeah Haz?" He turned and asked me.

"Remember that one time we were discussing the case at Niall and Liam's and I cracked your ribs?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well I'm sorry"

"What? Why are you saying this now? It was a long time ag-"

"I just felt the need to"

"Oh. Well it's fine"

"I just want to let you know that I have your back Lou." I said and took a step towards him.


"Louis, I know what you were thinking when you were talking to us back there. You're not crazy. I know that this isn't a 'phase'. I just want you to know that you're not gonna die. I won't let you. Even if you want to, I-I'm not going to let you, because I-I need you"

Louis stared at me.

"Harry I-" he began but was cut off by one of those bullet/dart things slamming into the back of his hand.

I grabbed him and pushed us both to the round.

Those darts were shooting like rapid fire around us and the booms were so loud that we had to yell to hear each other.

"What do we do" I shouted/asked.

"Just follow me!" Louis replied.

He stood up and the darts started hitting him one by one. His face screwed up in agony but he didn't fall.

"Come on Harry!"

I stood up too. It felt like I was being stabbed a thousand times but I stood by Louis's side.

"Come on" he said and grabbed my hand as we both ran into the direction of the darts.

We ran for what felt like 300 years.

Eventually we came out to a clearing where 8 men stood with guns in their hands.

"Are you ready Haz?" Louis asked me.

"For what?"

"Going home"

A/N: Sorry for the cruddy chapter but it's a filler for what's going to happen in  the next chapter;)

Breaking Loose (Sequel to U.K.'s Most Wanted a Larry Stylinson A.U.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя