"you'll be cancer free in about three months"
Julians voice was soft, it was late and she just got Tom settled into his hospital room.

He flicked his visor off and pulled it from his head, letting it rest on his chest.

"So the chemo is only to keep it at bay until the surgery?"

She gave a nod and stretched out with a big sigh, he was still wide awake from the jet lag.

"Yup, I got the measurements for your less complex bone replacements so you won't look all deflated after the surgery.

We'll do radiation afterwards to kill off any wayward cells, and I just started on the new medication for you so we shouldn't have to be back in the hospital for the next few years-if it works"
She took his visor in hand and set it on his night stand.

"Chemo is at 9 am, then you'll come down to my office for a scan of your face so we can get those more delicate bones printed, and get your marrow sample"
She patted his side before giving the nurse a good rundown of what they spoke of.

It was honestly cool what Julian had invented, a way to 3d print body parts using a stem cell, calcium mixture.

First they used a placenta, full of stem cells, and found a way to copy them.
Then they stored them until they needed to be used, if they were needed, they were stimulated and then mixed with calcium and carbon.

That made the mixture for the 3d printer, then they took a bone marrow sample from the person and used it to create as much bone marrow as they needed within the new printed bone.

Then it was implanted and because it was made with the body parts of the original person, it was almost never rejected, sometimes it was stronger and performed better than natural bone.

And it was less likely to develop cancer, so some of the areas most likely to develop cancer they were also replacing.

They used the same process to make hearts, eyes, ear drums, brain cells, that almost cured Alzheimer's and dementia.


Tom couldn't have his eyes put back because of the damage done to his optic nerve during wire placement. He was excited to maby have new eyes, but it didn't surprise him.

Sometimes the darkness scared him to his very core, the unknown terrified him more than he liked to admit.

He was so afraid of forgetting Tords face, he could hardly already remember his mother and she was still alive!

He wished his mom wasn't such a dick when he came out, didn't kick him out and make him live on the streets.
Didn't make him feel bad for dating an acctually decent guy, well Tord was decent compared to the guys he had been dating.

He even showed up to the dinner he came out at with flowers and some candies from his homeland to try and impress his mother.

At first she loved Tord, let them sleep together all the time, even took Tord in when he ran away from his boarding school and enrolled himself in a public one all for the sake of getting away from his father.

Even helped him look around at apartments, like the one he and Tord shared for the short while they had.

Everything was fine and dandy until they came out, Tom understood the part where she was angry about hiding their relationship.

But her kicking him out over a simple sin was something that completely blind sided the entire family.

She used to be such a sweet woman, but every time he got close. She would sneer, turn her nose up, and scurry off like a little rat.

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