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Strumming the Ridgid strings of his new guitar, he managed to make a nice melody that was oddly similar to a rig he had here a while ago.

Today marks the second to last day of the rut, edd must have been around his sister, an Omega in heat, and unfortunately the rut had caused the guys to become more aggressive twords each outher

Not the ideal situation for everyone in the house, but it's only a week or so.

The air felt humid and like he was sitting inside of a smoldering volcano, but early he checked and it was only about 60 outside.

Maby it's just my room?

Going over to the window he pulled it open And once he felt the cool breeze hit his face he let out a sigh of relief.

So it must've been his room then

Opening his door it was hot as well, but cooler than in his room which was odd because he had the coldest room in the house.


Hopping down the steps he was met with another wave of heat, but more inside the back of his head and down his middle section.

The last day of the rut was always the worst, the imbalance of hormones always made him aggravated, scatter-brained, and picky

wiping over his sent gland my hand became wet and sticky with a almost oil like substance.

He grumbled and looked over at Matt who was looking at Tom with a tired face

"Dude I could smell you over Tord'

He let out a huff as he contomplated that lady's offer about the heat room.
No not to get to her daughter, but simply to get out and still be inside a building.
Plus he's been to her house before and her AC was immaculate.

She's an amazing doctor regarding hormonal troubles so she would be the best help.
Not only that this rut has been unusually intense.

He guessed with Tord and Edd already in rut dealing with a 3rd alpha who just hit climax will be tough on Matt, and Tord on top of it all.
he guessed.

He growled finding the note with the lady's number
"Matt! I'll be back in a few hours I was gonna spend my rut with my friend"
He nodded nearly spilling his tea
"be safe!"
He called out
"And I'll tell Edd for you"
He smiled at Tom as took he sweet time to leave the house.

He threw the note in the trash before he got into his blue, beaten down car.

After some deeper thought he decided that
He was just going to drive it off, or go to a motel or something.
She could get the wrong idea about Tom showing up and asking for help, things could get weird.

The natural level of hormones were making him deathly sick and by the time he had made it to the local library a few miles from the house he needed to stop..

He just had to pull over, it just wasn't safe

a splitting headache took his ability to open his eyes without pain and the stillness of his usually steady hands.

He understood that it's not smart to drive when so impaired, but he couldn't be in that stuffy house any longer.

He loved them dearly, but their smells and voices made him sick when he started to get like this, everything about them made him so horribly sick.

He really didn't know what to do.

Sex would make him vomit, but no sex would also make him vomit

He didn't want to step out of the safety of his car, what if someone approached him?

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