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Tom slowly walked over to the basement door and crept down the old wooden steps.

His hair was still soaking wet from that bath that ended up turning rather nice.
Dispite the relaxing make out session his limbs felt like logs and his eyes burned he was so sleepy.

Pulling open the deep freezer he pulled out a big bottle of fire ball and closed the lid.

Not bothering to get a glass he just sat beside the freezer hidden away from the rest of the world.

He heard the door open and close as someone stomped down the steps out of breath. It was Tord, usually he works out after he gets all worked up, but doesn't get a good release.

He shuffled further back into the corner of the basement.
Tord didn't seem to know Tom even existed and he just went on lifting weights huffing and puffing, sweating a river.

Tom didn't bother watching, he just simply drank his drink in the corner occasionally glancing over to see what Tord was up to.

about an hour and a half had passed and about 1/4 of the bottle was gone.

Tord seemed to be wrapping up his workout, sweating the floor and whipeing down the equipment.

He walked towards the freezer opening it and scraping ice off the side to put on his face and neck
"you like wacthing me work out?"

Neither didn't really care for talking to each other right at the moment but neither wanted to be rude.
"Whats up? Still not feeling well?"

"I think 'not feeling well' is going to be the next few days"
Tord slammed the lid shut and sat on top of the freezer

"care to talk more? Or do you just want to sit"
He really was trying to help but was just working the wrong was with the wrong person.
"sorry, I don't really feel like crying again" he sighed tilting his head to the side.

"Thats alright"

"Oh, I guess there is something else"
Tom perked up remembering something that happened earlier In his shift that was completely overshadowed

"Luke gave me a rose and apologized for harassing me and being abusive and that he..."
Tom paused feeling that his feelings about Luke weren't all that important.
Fortunately Tord's soft face enticed him into something more.

He cleared his throat whipping a tear from his eyes trying to keep himself from shounding still so upset.

"He realised that what he had done was wrong"
Tom stared feeling a panic attack come on je stopped trying to tell Tord what happened

"I told him to leave and he said that he understood and he just...left.

It was a bit odd for him, but after my shift ended I walked out to my car in the parking complex."
Tom sniffled and wiped his tears
"He was sitting on the hood of my car"
Tears slid down his cheeks as he took another sip of my liquor.

Licking the liquid off his lips and his jaw tightened feeling the burning grip of the liquor.

"Then he got all in my face and he was yelling a bunch of stuff that I didn't understand and threatened to kill me when I got home"

Finally Tom looked up at Tom with a numb face "I was too afraid to step out of my car...I thought if I was outside alone, he would get me.
I get he sucks at fallowing through with his threats, but I was just shaken about the whole thing"
He slid off the freezer and held his arms out calling Tom into a hug

The day had been filled with so much emotion that it Confused the ever loving Jesus out of the both of them.

Usually their relationship was kiss a bit, fuck, ignore eachother until they both wanted sex again, then rince and repeat.

For a while it took the both of them off guard, it had been years seince Their last hug without sexual context and it was a bitter one filled with hate.
They were forced to hug because Edd go sick of listening to them fight.

then Tom realized how much he missed being touched by someone who just wanted to show their love and broke down in his arms

"I should'a just accepted his stupid apology and then this never would have happened"

Tord held the back of Tom's head with care and whispered to him
" Thomas, he is a disturbed man. There is nothing you could've done to prevent this from happening"
Tom girpped his his hoodie not caring that he was soaked with sweat.
He needed someone to make him feel protected, just for a few seconds.

even if Tom had this weird hatred for Tord he still just needed it.

"I will do my best to keep him away from you"
Tom hoped what Tord was saying was true because if he saw Luke again he would probably freak out, send him to the hospital and everything.

"I didn't know what I did to make him so angry? I mean I tried to be nice"
Tom shrugged truly wondering.

"you didn't do anything"
He pulled back to sit in front of Tom and look at him properly.

"I know that normally I would scold someone for doing this, but"
He paused feeling a little guilty for suggesting this
"think it might help. would you like to get a drink with me? Or just something to calm you down"
Tom nodded desperately wanting to forget his day

"but only for the night, we have to tell the police or someone. And I also think you've had enough of this"

Tom shook my head "n-no the criminal justice system is extremely broken.
They only have a 13% chance of even arresting him and I am an alpha they won't take me seriously.

He is gonna get away with it, I just know it. Trust me I've worked with enough rape and sex trafficking victims to know that the government nor the police actually care about the civilians or their lives because it just costs too much money to care."

I looked into his eyes and he just stared back "what? It's true! I'm more likely to get shot by some of them then saved!"

"Well first of all I was looking surprised because I thought you said 'no' to me telling you that you had enough for now"
Tord said with a little smile

"Oh, no-no if we're about to go out then I should definitely stop drinking"
Tom said with a laugh

"Hey if we're thinking of places to go let's go to that one place we used to go to all the time?"
Tom said
Tord groaned knowing what's about to go down since he used to do this with Tom just about every month for the rut.

It was their pre-sex ritual.

Like a "dinner and a movie first"
Accept it was 30 minutes of two dudes grinding on each other then disappearing somewhere for an hour.
Then coming back all marked up looking like they just crawled out of bed.

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