~New Beginnings~

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3 months later........

Zuri POV

"Zuri! I dropped my water can you help me?" Kinnidy yells from the kitchen.

"I'm coming." I say walking down the stairs.

Kinnidy woke up from a coma 2 months ago. After she came back home we moved in together. Luckily I had enough money to get us a stable home.

(The house)

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(The house)

"I'm sorry I really thought I had it this time." She says shaking her head.

"It's fine baby. It's just water.....no big deal." I say cleaning up.

When she woke up she wasn't able to hold things. Her mom got worried so she told the doctor and he ran some test and said that she was temporarily paralyzed in her hands. He said therapy would help but it barely does. She can't really use her hands. Holding this is a struggle but writing songs as well. It's been taking a toll on her she even has to close her business because of it.

"I'm so tired of this..." she says sitting on the couch.

"You have to give it time mama." I say throwing away the soaked paper towels.

"How long was that?" I say sitting beside her.

Lately we have been timing how long she can hold things. Lately it's been 10 seconds.

"12 seconds." She says laying her head on my shoulder.

"That's progress." I say smiling. At this point anything counts. We've been getting the same thing all week.

"Yea....but until I Can hold that pen again I'm not stoping...." She says sighing.

"The group is coming over today to the house for the first time so I ordered a chef to cook." I said looking down at her.

"Oh ok that'll be cool." She says.

There was a knock at the door.

"Speak of the devil" I say laughing and going to the door.

I open the door and Bayliegh and Leah are arguing over something I'm not aware of.

"Um yall good?" I say laughing at them.

"Bruh some dude was looking at my ass in the store and she won't stoping saying he my boyfriend." Bayliegh says rolling her eyes and walking in.

"This is nice." She says looking at the living room.

"Thanks." I say closing the door once Leah comes in.

"Is that who i think it is!...." Kinnidy says coming out of the kitchen.

"Hey bestie!" Bayliegh says giving Kinnidy  a hug.

"Oh Zeke and the boys should be on their way." Leah say breaking away from the hug.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now