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2 weeks later......

~Tory POV~

Before we start let me introduce myself. My name is Tory Sanders. I was borned and raised and Brooklyn, New York. I only a recording studio and I'm a producer. I've worked with a lot of celebrities and under dogs.

Im 22 years old and my mom and sister are the only people that i have in my world right now that truly has my back. My father died in jail 10 years ago so when he got locked up for something he didn't do and died my mom went into a deep depression, which made me have a to grow up early and take care of my mom and sister.

While my mother was depressed she turned to drugs to ease the pain. She became a feen and would snort cocaine every second she got. At the age of 16 i got a job and she asked me for money which I gave to her.

She claimed she as using it for rehab but was just using it to buy more cocaine. Once I realized i started hiding my money from her. One time we got into it because she realized I was hidding it from her.

It got bad to the point where I had to take me and my sister Journey to a hotel cs she would be recking the house and would put her hands on us.

After a couple years she started to get better. She started going to church more. Got a job. Started being more nice to the family and went into rehab.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I needed to run to the studio to picks some stuff up for a client then I am going to head to Ma dukes house.

While driving I let Dreams and Nightmares by Meek Mill play through the car. To be honest I feel that once you join an HBCU you have to know that song off the dome.

Half way through the song my music stopped letting me know someone was calling me. I looked at the phone to see it was Bayliegh. I answered the phone as a smile creeped onto my face.

"Hello?" I say answering the FaceTime call.

"Hey T wyd?" She say propping her phone up.

"Driving." I say keeping it short.

"Ouu where you going?" She says looking around.

"I'm heading to the studio to pick something up then imma head to my mama house then that's it." I say making a left turn.

"Oh ok nvm then." She say walking into a different room.

"Wym nvm what's wrong?" I say looking at her for a quick second.

"Well I got this offer to do a photo shoot tomorrow in Cali." She say sighing.

"Mamas that's awesome." I say smiling.

"But the thing is I have never been to Cali before. To be honest I haven't been anywhere out of Brooklyn. Which means I would really appreciate if someone went with me. I've called everyone and nobody is able to go..." she says scratching her neck.

"So you need me to go huh?" I say smirking.

"Exactly. It's only a two day shoot and everything is being paid for. Our flights and the hotel and our food. All I need is a yes from you that you will come." She say looking into the camera.

"Ok sure I'll go with you. I've been to Cali a great amount of times so I know my way around." I say nodding and turning into the studio parking lot.

"Thank you Thank you. If I could hug you an kiss you I would. You do not understand how much this means to me!" She say squealing.

"No problem ma but aye when do we leave?" I ask laughing at her.

"Tonight around 9pm. I got a late flight since everything was last minute." She says.

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