~Our Final Chapter~

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9 months later...

"I'm so nervous." Kinnidy say sighing. Today was the big day for Zuri and Kinnidy. They both were extremely nervous. It wasn't that they didn't want to get married but it's because they just wanted everything to go smoothly.

"Girl don't be. Everything is in place and plus Momma J is gonna be beating up anybody that messes anything up so it's all gonna be fine." Leah chuckles.

"That's mama J." Bayliegh says laughing.

"Mommy! Can you help me with my bow." Arïel says walking up to Kinnidy.

2 months after Zuri purposed they found Arïel in alley way near a corner full of crack heads with only a blanket and torn clothes. She is only 4 years old. They took her home and notified the police. The police never found her parents but they did get in touch with her social worker. They are now going through the foster care process until they can get full and legal custody.

"Yes baby c'mere." Kinnidy says nodding and fixing the bow.

"Thanks mommy." Arïel says smiling as she ran out of the room.

Even though Kinnidy thought only she was nervous Zuri was shitting bricks. "Bruh calm down I anit never seen you this stressed before." Amari says laughing at Zuri pacing the room.

"Bruh i just want everything to he smoothly." Zuri says sighing.

"And everything will just relax." Zelle says patting her back.

~Fast Forward To The Wedding~

"Hey momma!" Kinnidy says reaching out for her mom before walking into the room that was filled with guest.

"Yes baby?" Her mom says running towards her daughter.

"Ready to give me away?" She says smiling at her mother.

Her mother gasped and began tearing up. She didn't know that she would be the one walking her down the aisle. They always had practiced Man-Man which was Bayliegh's brother walking her. Never her mom.

"Mama you know I wouldn't want it any other way. You've always been there for me. It would be stupid and ungrateful for me not to." Kinnidy says reaching her hand out towards her mother.

Her mother smiles and takes it. The song 1+1 by Beyonce begins to play as the doors open revealing a beautiful bride and her beautiful mother.


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Make love to me
When my days look low
Pull me in close and don't let me go
Make love to me
So when the world's at war
Let our love heal us all

As soon as Zuri saw her she tried not to cry. Kinnidy hated seeing her cry but she knew it was tears of joy. As she got to the alter they started holding hands and Kinnidy wiped Zuri's tears.

"I love you." Zuri says.

"I love you too." Kinnidy says smiling.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony, which is commended of St. Paul to be an honorable estate, instituted of God and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or carelessly, but reverently, joyfully and in the love of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined." The minister says.

"Who gives this bride to this Groom in marriage?" The minister says.

"I do!" Kinnidy's mom say excited causing the whole room to laugh, even the minister.

"Jesus Christ Reminds us, that at the beginning the Creator made us male and female , and said, For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh." The minister says.

"God loved us, and created us to love others. Our lives find completion only as we love and are loved in return. Together, we can become what we could never be separately. Marriage is of God."

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." The minister continues.

"Ms. Henderson and Ms. Johnson come today desiring to be united in this sacred relationship"

"Let us Pray.

O' Almighty God you have created us all in the image of Love, the image of Yourself. Bless now these two who stand before you. Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them, that as they journey through this life together they will walk as bearers of your Truth. Amen."

"I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows." He says.

"I Zuri Henderson take you, Kinnidy Johnson for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward." The minister says with Zuri repeating everything he said.

" I, Kinnidy Johnson take you, Zuri Henderson for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward." The minister says with Kinnidy repeating every word.

After the exchanged vows which made the room tear up, and put on their rings their were now able to share the last name.

"I introduce Mrs. And Mrs. Henderson!" The minister says

Everybody rose to their feet and clap their hands. Everybody was proud of their growth. There was not one negative bone in site. They deserved every bit of this.


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