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2 Weeks later........


Today is the day that Kinnidy, Zuri, and there friends decided to fly to Miami. None of them had ever been before and decided that it would be great to go there.

While Kinnidy was packing all she could think about was her brother. In a million years she never thought he would do something like this. She always felt that her and her brother always had a tight relationship. She never thought her own flesh and blood would try to kill her.

Zuri on the other hand hand something planned for him. The real reason they were leaving because Zuri planned on having her crew looking for him. The reason she wanted them to leave was so they didn't get caught in the cross fire but, she would still keep tabs on everything.

"Babe I'm hungryyyyy." Kinnidy says laying on Zuri's shoulder while the driver took them to the jet Zuri bought so they all could fly private.

"Wanna stop somewhere?" Zuri says yawning.

"Yea.." Kinnidy rubbing her stomach.

"Ok. Driver can you stop at a chick-fil-a somewhere?" Zuri asked the driver.

"Yes ma'am." The driver says nodding.

"Thanks baby." Kinnidy says kissing Zuri.

"You're so spoiled." Zuri says playfully rolling her eyes.

It was true. Zuri spoiled her as if  Kinnidy couldn't provide for her self. Zuri knew that Kinnidy could take care of her self all on her own. But Zuri still spoils her, partly because she feels bad about her brother. She mostly feels that she deserves the world even after that night.

"You love me anyway." Kinnidy says rolling her eyes.

"Yea I do." Zuri says kissing her.

After getting their chick-fil-a they headed to where the PJ was. All this was new for Kinnidy. Growing up she didn't have this so she wasn't used to all this flashy shit.

Zuri didn't grow up with this stuff either but she made this life for herself while in high school. She vowed that she would provide herself with the best life she could. When her grandma died she made sure to make that dream come true even more.

They finally pulled up to the PJ and got out. Kinnidy's eyes were wide. She didn't think they needed their own plane but Zuri said that they all deserved it. After a couple of minutes the rest of their friend group showed up and they took off.

"UNO OUT BITCHES!!" Leah says laying out her last uno card.

"Bruh this your fifth time winning, yo ass is cheating." Amari says throwing the rest of her UNO cards on the table.

They had been playing UNO for the last 30 minutes and every round Leah won. Everybody thought she was cheating but she was just really good at UNO.

"Nah I'm just a pro."Leah says dusting off her shoulders.

"Alright y'all im finna take me a nap!" Zuri says getting up and heading to the bed the Pj had.

Everybody just nodded and Kinnidy headed behind her. Zuri been tired since yesterday. She didn't really get any sleep cs she was planning this trip and that shit with Kinnidy's brother.

"Baby you ok?" Kinnidy say laying next to her.

"Yea it's just a lot going on." Zuri admits.

To be honest all of this was a lot for Zuri. Usually when she does a hit on somebody she doesn't care and doesn't have any feelings. But this was too close to home and personal. It wasn't something she could just brush off and let it play out. She had to be very detailed with everything.

"Wanna talk about?" Kinnidy says tracing her tattoos.

"Nah I'm good." Zuri say shaking her head.

Even though Zuri had a hit out on Kinnidy's brother she never told Kinnidy. One because she felt that Kinnidy would feel a type of way because of it being her brother. And also she promise Kinnidy that she would leave from that type of world because it was dangerous. But Zuri knew that this was something that would take her out of retirement.

"No tell me Zuri. I can handle it." Kinnidy says sitting up.

Zuri takes a deep gives in "I'm planning a hit on your brother."

Kinnidy didn't respond "are you going to say something?"

Kinnidy didn't know what to say. She wasn't upset about the hit on her brother. She felt like it was needed, but she knew the type of people Tonio had in his corner. They were crazy just like her brother and father. So knowing that if Zuri was to carry through with this hit Zuri could die. But most importantly she didn't like the fact that Zuri but herself back in the game for something like this.

"I don't know what to say." Kinnidy sat there in shock.

"Look I know this is dangerous but it needs to be done." Zuri say putting Kinnidy in her lap facing her.

"You could get hurt." Kinnidy says looking down in her lap.

"Yea I could but i won't. I promise I'll be careful." Zuri say  lifting up her chin.

"How do you have it planned out?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Well I have my crew back home keeping tabs on him. Every hour they text me or call me and will tell me his location. Once I get back I'll know his location so I can take him to there warehouse." Zuri responds rubbing up and down her thigh.

"Why are you gonna take him to thee warehouse?" She asked.

"I have a few words to exchange but I also felt that maybe you might have some too. I just want you to get closure before I kill him." Zuri responds.

"Ughhh mama is gonna hate me when she finds out." Kinnidy says putting her head on her shoulder.

"She already knows. I Ram it by her first before I did anything." Zuri says reassuring everything was handled.

"What did she say?" Kinnidy asked.

"She had mixed emotions but she understood why it needed to happen." Zuri says.

"That's why I love her she's always understanding." Kinnidy says smiling.

"Yea...but enough about that. Let me  make love to you." She says kissing on her neck.

"Babyy they in the neck room." She say in somewhat of a moan.

"The walls are sound proof and I haven't had none all weekkkk."Zuri says begging.

"You're such a simp." Kinnidy says laughing.

"Only for you." Zuri say kissing her and rubbing her ass.

"Only one round." Kinnidy say smirking.

"That's all I need." Zuri says tonguing her down.

Author's Note:

Heyyyy Y'all this was just a filler and y'all don't be commenting but I need some FEEDBACK YALL!!!


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