~Somebody New~

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~Bayliegh POV~

"Ok so David basically came asking for money?" I say trying to gather everything Leah just told me and Kinnidy.

"Basically." She said shrugging.

"And the crazy part is, is that he got mad when I wouldn't give him the money. He made it seem as if it was my responsibility to give it to him." She said scrunching up her face.

"That's crazy. I wish my dad would trying some shit like that he would be 10ft in the ground." Kinnidy said eating some food.

I was really proud of her for eating in front of us. To be honest just from watching her eat you couldn't even notice she was having a hard time with her hands.

"But at the end of the day I am proud of you for being woman enough to open you ears to whatever hat man has going on. It takes a lot of guts to do that." I say nodding.

"I know and that shit was so hard. Zeke didn't even want me to do it for real." She say taking a sip of her drink.

"Wait Zeke was there?" Kinnidy says raising her eyebrows.

"Yea he was." Leah day quietly.

"So are y'all dating because every time you are somewhere he is too?" I say looking at her.

"No we're not dating." Leah say laughing.

"Why not it's clear you have feeling for him and he has feelings for you." Kinnidy says shrugging.

"I just don't want to mess up our friend ship." Leah says sighing.

"I get that but you can't hold back forever." I say eating my food.

I understand what Leah means. When i was in 10th grade I jumped into a relationship that was not 50/50. He didn't like me but i liked him. I ended up being brave and told him about how I felt and he took it as a joke. Me and him aren't friends anymore so I'm glad I don't have to relive that.

"I know but still I'm really unsure." Leah says eating her food.

"But enough about me what's been going on with you?" Leah says looking at me.

"Girl nothing at all. My life is boring." I say sighing.

"How's man man?" Kinnidy's says.

Man man is what my family and friends call my brother Damion.

"He's good. You know he hosts parties at different clubs and he has a party here in Brooklyn at Club Red. Y'all should come out." I say eating some bread.

"It's been a while since we have been at a club. I think we should go." Kinnidy says agreeing.

"We should invite the rest of the group too. It would be fun." Leah says.

"Yea, that would be lit." I say nodding.

~Time Skip~

I just pulled up at the house. I noticed there was an unfamiliar car in the drive way. I knew it wasn't Man-Man because I let him park in the garage.

I grabbed my groceries and headed in using my key.

"Man-man I'm home!" I say walking into the kitchen.

"In the living room!" He says responding.

I heard a second voice but I didn't recognize it. I walked further into the living room seeing someone I don't even know was just chillin in my house.

"Hey big bro." I say hugging him.

"Who dis?" I say pointing at this random dude sitting on my couch.

"Oh this my homeboy Tory. Tory this my sister Bayliegh." Man-Man say introducing us.

"Nice to meet you." His friend says lookin me up and down.

"Mhm. Damion imma be upstairs if you need me." I say heading upstairs. Somewhat ignoring his friend.

No before y'all start saying I'm being rude I'm not. I don't even know that man in order or me and him to be talking like we cool. And plus I'm upset that my brother thinks it's cool to be bring random people into my house.

After taking my shoes off and finding some pajamas I headed to the restroom to take a shower. I thought about our conversation today. Which made me think about me and my father's relationship.

It's been a couple months since I've talked to him. Mostly because he is a lawyer and never really have any time to talk.

After being in the shower for 30 minutes I head out and dry off. I lotion up and put on my pajamas and head downstairs to get some watermelon.

"Hey sis I'm finna run by the store do you mind if Tory stays here while I run to the store?" Damion says walking up to me.

"Uh sure just get me some chesse puffs and a Mountain Dew." I say wiping my mouth.

"I got you fat ass." He says hugging me.

"Ok ask your friend if he want something too cs you just leaving him wit someone he don't even know." I say hugging him back.

"I already did. And please be nice." He says pointing at me.

"I'm always nice." I say sarcastically smiling.

"Whatever." He says walking out.

"Love ya too." I say getting up.

I walked into the living room and grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"Wanna watch something?" I said looking at Troy.

"I don't care but can I ask sum?" He says licking his lip.

"Mhm." I say changing the channels.

"Why did you grill me when you saw me?" He says looking at me.

"Cs I don't know you like that to be smiling all up in your face." I said looking at him.

To be honest he wasn't ugly. He was actually fine as hell. His teeth was pearly white. His skin was chocolate brown. And he hand dreads and his muscles showed through his shirt.

"I respect that." He breaking me out of my thoughts.

All I did was nod. We ended up talking a lil bit more and he told me his whole name which is Tory Sanders. He met Man-Man in college since they were in the same frat. And he is 22 years old.

After talking a little bit more Man-man came back in through the door with a gas station bag in his hand.

"Liegh I got your stuff from the gas station." He says sitting his keys down.

"Thanks" I say getting up and taking my stuff to my room.

I ate talked to a couple of my friends on the phone and was about to go to bed when I got a text from an unknown number.

(718)-347-1890: Bayliegh you up?

Me: who is this?

(718)-347-1890: dang so you be giving your number to anybody huh? It's Tory.

Me: oh and no I just didn't recognize the number🙄

Tory🫥: myb....but are you up? Damion isn't answering his phone...

Me: yea Im up and the reason you can't get Damion is because he is sleep and is a heavy sleeper so he most likely didn't hear his phone🤷🏾‍♀️

Tory🫥: Makes since it's just I have a lot of shit on my mind and i really needed to talk to him but since he's sleep I'll wait until tomorrow.

Me: wanna talk about it? I got time im not really sleepy.

Tory🫥: nah I'm good ma i don't wanna bore you.

Me: you not...but i get it. Just know I'm here for ya💗

Tory🫥: i appreciate it ma. Get some rest tho.

Me: ok goodnight 💗

Tory🫥: Goodnight ma🖤

Author's Note:

Heyyyyy Y'all this was just a filler but i just wanted introduce a new character. Don't worry he is going to have a formal introducing but that's how it's gonna be for right now.


𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now