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For the remainder of the week, I stuck myself beside Minji as much as possible. I didn't see any signs of her being irritated by my presence so I just kept sticking to her. And I could say that we got a lot more closer, which is a good thing.

We also worked on the assigned task given by Jiheon-unnie. It was a pretty much well spent and productive time for both of us.

"I think we should call it a day, Hanni. You've been working too hard already and I think that by now, you must be tired," Minji says and cleared the papers from the table, putting it on the binder.

I looked at the time on my phone screen and saw that it was already 5pm.

"I'm still not that tired, though. But, alright." I helped her tidy up a bit and then we headed out.

"Hanni." "Minji."

We both spoke at the same time, and it made us burst into laughter. It didn't stop our stroll towards the exit of the school though.

"Jinx! Anyway, I was just wondering if you still have time to go for some bread? Haerin and I passed by a newly opened bakery earlier this morning," she states while her eyes twinkled. I can't help but be in awe at the sight. She's too cute!

I smiled at her and shrugged, "Well, why not? A free date with you is definitely not a bad idea so.... yeah, sure."

She shoved me lightly to the side as she shook her head with a smile. "You're getting weirder these days."

Oh, Minji. If you're not so dense then you could've figured it out already.

It's a good thing she asked me first because I was gonna ask her to go for some ice cream anyway. And this is better since we both love bread so much.

"Look at all these bread, Hanni-ya! Don't you just want to get all of them?" She exclaims while looking over at the piles of bread in front of us. The twinkle in her eyes never disappearing. I gazed at her and my heart warms at the sight. She's so adorable right now that I want to just squeeze her in my arms.

"If you want, I can get all of them for you," I said, still having my eyes fixed on her.

With a wide smile on her face, she turned to me. She suddenly ruffled my hair and giggled. It made me pout in return, then fixed my hair.

"No, this one is on me. So, which one would you like to have?" She asked and returned her gaze on the breads.

"You." I said as my face grew warm with how bold I was to say that.

Instantly, her head snapped towards me as her eyes widen at my response. "What?"

I looked away and cleared my throat before setting my gaze on the breads, "I'm gonna have what you're having."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see her looking at me with a visible shade of red on her cheeks. She then shook her head slightly and told the lady on the counter of our orders.

"Thank you!" Minji beamed at the lady before checking the breads on the paperbag. "Here you go, Hanni-ya. I picked the choco truffle, if you don't mind." She handed me a separate paper bag containing the said bread.

I smiled and excitedly took it from her, "I love it. Thanks, Minji! Now, I think we need something to drink as well. What do say about chocomilk?" I looked at her, showing my cheeky grin.

"Um, I think I have to get going now, Hanni. I have to drop by at Hyein's place because she needs help with her homework," she replies with an uncertain voice. Huh?

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