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My apartment is also in the Lekki Peninsula so it's a short drive from High Horse and soon enough, I'm home.

I get off the lift at the fourth floor, walk to my apartment and slot in the key. It won't budge. The fuck? I try again and it won't move either way.

Is Julia back?

I get my phone out of my pocket and am about to call her when I hear the door start to unlock. I pause and wait to see who it is. The door swings open to reveal a tall, light-skinned guy in basketball shorts and a black singlet.

Julia's brother?

"Hey bro." He says, smiling, as he steps aside to let me in.

"J.J? Ah ah. W'sup?" I respond, surprised, as I enter my apartment, stopping to give him a brief cheerful bro hug. "How far? When did you get in? Julia didn't say you were coming." J.J. is a final year student on a basketball scholarship at a top university in America.

"She didn't know. I was going to surprise you guys, but she still isn't back." he says as he hugs back. I'm about to ask how he got a key, and then I remember Julia giving him one the last time he came and couldn't get in because Julia and I had car trouble on the way back from her friend's wedding. He'd had to wait in the lobby for hours.

"Yeah, she's out of town. A shoot in Abuja. Big job." Julia is a fashion model. She gets booked pretty often.

"Oh right. When is she back?"

"On Monday."

"Oh okay. Maybe I'll just call her tomorrow; let her know I'm around. I'm supposed to head to the family house on Sunday." He looks down at his phone, fiddling with it as he speaks. Then he looks back at me. "It's good to see you, bro."

"Same, my guy", I reply. "How your flight? You don chop?"

"Yeah, I had a late lunch. Maybe I'll do a very light dinner later."

"Later? It's already past 10. If I know say you dey, I for buy chow come."

"Nah, it's cool. I ate spaghetti earlier. There's actually some left if you want.", he says, pointing his thumb in the direction of the kitchen.

I search my stomach and realize I could do with some food and J.J actually cooks really well.

"Yeah, he makes himself so appealing and then refuses to get a girlfriend.", Julia likes to tease him often. J.J always responds with a scoff and nothing else. According to Julia, J.J has never been in a relationship. He has girls he fucks but nothing serious ever comes of it. Julia also suspects he might be bisexual because the energy between him and some of his male friends seems odd. Just like Julia, I'm never one to judge. Hey, whatever floats your boat. If you'd rather fuck strong nyash than soft wet pussy, do you bro. Although, it's clear why both genders would be attracted to the guy. He seems like the type these Lekki fags would like. Very light skinned, pink almost red lips, light brown eyes, an extremely handsome face and an athletic physique, with lean muscles and long legs.

I remember constantly asking Julia at the beginning if she was sure he isn't biracial. I mean she's light skinned and pretty too but his own is just... extra. He has this not-completely-black look about him. Even now, his hair is in these dread-like twists on top of his head and it looks wavier and softer than the average black person's. Julia insists he's full black like the rest of their family, but I'm still not convinced. I joke once that their dad should probably get a DnA test because mumsy has been riding white dick and she smacks me on the head, laughing. It's one of the many reasons I love my girlfriend. She never takes anything too seriously.

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