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I sit on the edge of my bed and remove my loosened tie completely. I start to unbutton my shirt when my door opens. He leans against the door, smiling at me.

"Guy..." I say, slightly annoyed.

He doesn't respond. He walks into the room, looking around, picking things up and putting them down. Finally, he stops in front of me and looks me in the eye. "How much do you want to bet?"

"That what?"

And before I can say or do anything else he straddles my lap facing me, his legs kneeling on either side of me.

"Are you high? Get off me." I try to push him off, but he catches my arms mid-air and uses them as leverage to adjust himself until he's sitting fully on top of my dick. Then he starts rocking slowly back and forth. I wear my pants relatively tight so he's really on top of it.

I draw in a sharp breath. "Guy, I'm serious, get up." I say, my tone low but sufficiently angry.

He says nothing and continues what he's doing, rocking back and forth looking me dead in the eye. And to my horror, my dick starts to respond.

Shit. That's not good.

I can tell he isn't wearing anything under his basketball shorts because I can feel his unrestrained dick in his shorts pressing hard on top of mine. Fuck, that feels good. He starts to move a bit faster, and the feeling starts to get more intense.

No. This can't happen.

I try to get up, so he'll slide off me but instead, he catches me off guard and pushes me backward until I'm lying down. He takes my hands and pins them down with his own and adjusts himself and our dicks to the new position. Now my dick is even harder and pushing further out, making firmer contact with his. I can feel his balls slapping against me as he continues to rub his dick against mine. The feeling sends electric shocks through my body.

This is so dirty and wrong., I think.

And yet it feels too good. It occurs to me that I'm not fighting hard enough to stop this, but it feels really really good and I'm getting harder and harder. I try not to make any sounds to show I'm enjoying it, but I don't need to. My dick is snitching on me already. It's fully hard now. He looks down at it, then back up at me and smiles.

"Okay you've made your point. S-stop." I clear my throat so I can sound more convincing. "Stop." I say, more firmly but I know I can get him off me if I want to. We might be the same height but I'm older and stronger than him. He ignores me and continues attacking my dick with his. "J.J. I'm hard. You won. Now, fuck off, so I can take care of it.", I say. He doesn't listen and starts to go even faster. I close my eyes and throw my head back. Ah fuck! Why does this feel so fucking good? 

I feel him rearrange my arms above my head, placing them on top of each other but I don't immediately register the movement. Then, I hear the sound of my zip and my eyes fly open. Before I can stop him, he pulls my dick out of my boxers and holds it in the hand that isn't still pinning both of mine down. Then he pulls his shorts down over his ass and pulls his out too, long, pink and hard. He reaches his free hand up to his mouth, drops a big wad of slippery spit on it, then reaches back down and rubs it on my dick. I wince out a slight moan.

After he's coated it with spit, he lines his dick up with mine and starts rubbing them together.

I lose my fucking mind.

The underside of his dick is rubbing on mine and it feels insanely good. I can't help myself and a moan comes out. "Fuuuck!"

I look at him and the smug smile is gone. His face looks completely blissed out instead. He's obviously enjoying this just as much as I am. He looks at me, mouth open, breathing hard. And then he leans forward, his head inches away from mine, his hands still pinning mine above my head and he increases the speed, grinding our dicks together hard.

Brother-in-Lust [A Nigerian Gay/MM Story]Where stories live. Discover now