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I'm sorry, my love. I forgot to take it off 'Focus'. I needed to get some work done." I marvel at my own lying skills.

"Urgh! I'm sooo tired. We had such a long session today. And the director ..."

I get out from behind J.J and head for the balcony, a soft smile on my face as I listen to her drone on about her hectic day for over five minutes.

"Sorry baby. I'll book you a full spa trip when you get back."
When you get back and J.J has to go. I snap the thought out of my head. "What time is the flight again?" I ask, just to make sure.

"It's supposedly 2:15pm but it's AirHope. You know those ones have a blood covenant with delays and disappointments."

I laugh. "Yeah, those mothafuckas are crazy. But just – what the – oh fuuuck!"

"Babe? What? What's wrong?" Julia exclaims.

"Ahh – no-nothing babe." I lie. "I just um—I hit my toe on the table leg."

The hands that had suddenly pulled my shorts down in the middle of my sentence, spread my ass cheeks wider apart. And the tongue that licked my hole  is now pushing further inside. My hand flies to my mouth to physically stop me from moaning.

"Sorry baby." Julia says, sympathetic. "Watch where you're going nau. Is there no light?"

J.J circles his tongue around my rim from the outside slowly going deeper – same thing I'd done to him earlier. I had no idea it felt this mind-alteringly good.

"Fuuu..ah yeah, there's.. there's light. I just...I just wasn't looking." I say, trying to keep my breathing normal.

The way the balcony is built, it's a pretty small one – narrow and really only fit for standing and getting fresh air. So, J.J is actually feasting on my ass from inside the apartment and the only thing visible from the outside - if any jobless idiot is looking at this time of the night – is me, bent over a railing, not knowing I'm taking the rimming of my life.

I reach backwards to try to push his head away but he's stubborn and his hands have me in a strong grip. He extends his tongue down to my balls and licks them with the tip of his tongue, then drags it back to my hole slowly, leaving a hot wet trail between my balls and my hole. I try not pant audibly.
Then he reaches his hand around and starts to stroke my dick, while still assaulting me with his tongue. And my eyes roll to the back of my fucking head. It feels incredible.

"Go put something on it, babe. It sounds like it really hurts." Julia says, obviously still hearing my muffled grunts and moans.

"Yeah I should ... I should deal with this problem immediately." I'm about to kill your brother, I think at her. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jules.

Then J.J flicks his tongue a certain way and with a few more strokes of my dick, my vision starts to go blank. Sensing I'm about to have probably the most aggressive orgasm of my life, I immediately press 'mute' on the phone.

"Okay. Feel better, babe." Julia says, as I'm finally able to moan audibly at her brother's sweet torture. "Aaarrgh!"

I'm not able to respond as I'm pre-occupied with the earth-shattering orgasm I'm having. "Fuuuuck you, J.J" I grunt loudly.

"Hello? Are you there?.... Babe?" Julia's voice comes through the phone as ropes of thick cum shoot out of my dick with J.J's tongue buried deep in my ass like he's pushing it out from that end.

"Network." I hear Jules say before she hangs up.

I take a moment to recover, knees a little weak from the force of my orgasm, my pants still around my ankles.

Brother-in-Lust [A Nigerian Gay/MM Story]Where stories live. Discover now