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I last approximately 20 minutes.

I toss and turn non-stop, unable to sleep; unable to even get my head to shut up about J.J.. Finally, I sneak quietly out of the bed where Julia is still deeply asleep, and creep back into J.J.'s room.

He's laying on his side, under the duvet, facing the wall away from the door, his clothes in a pile on the chair by the bed.

I sleep shirtless so I already don't have much on. Just my pyjama bottoms. I pull the duvet up on the empty side of the bed and get in behind him. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him close. "What have you done to me?" I say softly into the back of his neck. "What have you fucking done to me?"

I run my hands all over every inch of his body that I can reach.

"You left.", he says.

"And I couldn't stay gone." I respond, my voice raspy with need.

"Why are you naked, J.J.?" I say, rubbing my face and beard against the back of his neck like a cat high on catnip. "Why are you naked?"

"You know that's how I sleep." He reaches behind me and starts to roll my bottoms down slowly over my ass.

"You're making this so hard for me." I say, groaning and moaning at the same time, feeling all my blood rush downward.

"Yeah, I can see that.", he says with a short laugh.

I rub my hand all over his ass and slip a finger in to touch his hole. It's moist. "You prepped."

"I did."

"We shouldn't. She's right next door."

"She sleeps like wood. She won't hear.", he says, pushing his ass back slowly.

"Even though." I say as I spread his cheeks and start to push my dick in. "It's somehow."

" fucked up.", he moans.

"She trusts us. And look at what we're doing.", I say, going deeper and deeper, stretching him out to accommodate me. "We're terrible people."

"Mmmgh! The worst!", he says with a moan.

"We're going to hell." I start to move. "We're going straight to hell."

"I don't mind." He says softly. Then he adds almost inaudibly. "I would go anywhere with you."

I hear every word.
And it hardens my dick and softens my heart at the same time. I wrap my arms tighter around him and bury my face in his neck. I start to thrust deep but slow. I want this to last as long as possible. I want to savour every second of our last time together. J.J. seems to want the same, as he's not urging me to go faster this time. He rolls his ass back in tune with my slow thrusts. I feel him suppressing his moans. I wish I could hear him. I wish he could be as loud as he wants. I lick his neck. A moan finally slips out. I start to suck hickeys into it. I intend to brand him with my kisses. Put my scent on him, so that anyone else who touches him sees me and smells me all over J.J. He presses a pillow to his face to suppress the noises he can't help making. I start to kiss the side of his face, his ears, his neck, his hair. I want to kiss and lick and touch him everywhere at once. Like I can't get enough. Like I want to memorize how he feels, how he tastes.

"Is it this good with Mike?", I ask into his ear as I kiss the spot behind it while I fuck him slow and deep, the muscles in his ass grabbing on to me like they don't want to let go of me either.

He hesitates, seemingly unable to get the words out between the moans. "It's not this good with anyone."

I smile into his neck as I squeeze him tighter, tempted to fuck him harder but motivated to stay on slow by my need to feel this as long as possible.

Brother-in-Lust [A Nigerian Gay/MM Story]Where stories live. Discover now