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"J.J.?!" Julia screams as she drops her bags by the door. I pick them up and put them on the dining table. "Oh my God!" She rushes to hug her brother. "When the fuck did you get in and why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

J.J. smiles as he hugs back. "Got in on Friday. Wanted to surprise you but Dimeji said you travelled. Waka waka.", he adds jokingly.

"You should have called me, joh." She says, pushing his head playfully. "And you", she turns to me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrug as I walk over to hug her. "He told me not to." He told me with his mouth on my dick. I kiss her lightly on the lips.

"Urgh! I hate you both.", she says, wrapping her arms around me and placing her head on my chest. I look at J.J.'s face. He avoids my eyes.

"So have you gone home yet?", Julia asks, walking over to the couch and falling into it.

"Not yet. I was going to go this evening. But I'll leave in the morning." J.J. replies.

"Obviously that's not happening anymore. I just got here."

"Whose fault is that one? My flight back is on Wednesday, auntie." J.J. says, sitting in the couch beside her.

I'm part relieved and part freaked out by how normal he seems; nothing weird or awkward, just falling naturally into their easy banter. If I hadn't been there, I never would have guessed he had spent the entire weekend fucking her boyfriend.

"Ahn ahn nau!" Julia whines. "But do mom and dad know you're around?"

"Nah. I'm surprising them too."

A sly smile plays on Julia's lips. "And Mike?" She waggles her eyebrows.

My jaw clenches automatically. Mike? Who the fuck is Mike?

"Jules. Can you stop?" J.J. says, throwing furtive glances at me.

"What? He's why you're around abi? His birthday?"

I laugh, trying to sound casual. "Who's uh...who's Mike?" I ask.

"His 'best friend'.", Julia responds with air quotes, the knowing smile back on her face as she looks at J.J.

"I don't know what the air quotes are for. He actually is my best friend.", he says, looking at me.

"Yeah, with benefits.", she says laughing. "I can bet money on it; y'all are fucking."

J.J throws a pillow at her.

Jules blocks it and it lands on the floor. Then she suddenly pauses mid-laugh, finally noticing the watch. She grabs J.J.'s arm and takes a closer look. She gasps. "Adenrele Jonathan Akindele Junior. What the absolute fuck?!"

"Morenike Julia Akindele." J.J. retorts. "Why are you government-naming me?"

"Have you started doing yahoo? I'm telling mom!", she exclaims.

"What the - ? I'm not doing yahoo. What are you on about?"

"So, drugs? Prostitution?"

"What the fuck?", J.J. says, half-laughing.

Julia gives him a look that says she actually wants a reply.

"Of course not. What is wrong with you?" J.J. responds.

"So, why the fuck is there a $4,000 Breitling on your wrist?!"

Ah fuck! I facepalm in my mind.

J.J.'s eyes widen so much, I fear they might pop out. "FOUR THOU-", he screams incredulously. I can tell he's trying very hard not to look in my direction.

"Uh...are you sure?"

"Uh...are you forgetting I model? I work around name brands all the time. I know my stuff. That shit costs $4k!"

$4,750 actually, my mind voice corrects her.

"Wow!" J.J. says looking at it again in light of the new information. He looks back up at Julia. "Well, it was a gift."

"A gift."


"You're sure, J.J."

"Yes, I'm sure, MOM."

"Who's giving you gifts like that?"

"Mind your business."

"Hmm." Julia pauses, looking at him. "The person must really like you."

I feel a thud in my chest. I watch J.J.'s face for a reaction.

"Maybe.", he says, shrugging. "But if that's true, the feeling is mutual." He still doesn't look at me. Which is a good thing because I'm not certain I could stop myself from kissing him right there.

"Awww." Julia says. "Mike in the mud."

I feel a hot knot of anger form slowly in my throat again. Who the hell is this Mike person?

"For fuck's sake, Jules." J.J. gets up and heads towards his room.

Julia gets up and follows him, laughing. "Just tell me. I'm never going to drop this until you confess."

Brother-in-Lust [A Nigerian Gay/MM Story]Where stories live. Discover now