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Dad looked at Ashley eye to eye. Sad feelings taking over him. Meanwhile mom who was sitting near them was trying hard to hold back her tears. Her daughter, she has never acted this way before, maybe this is how Ashley would be like without Rachel. Ashley looked at dad and dad replied softly with shaking his head. "No dear, your still my little girl, you have not gone mad Ash, it's just, your emotions are still not stable cause so many things are happening at the same time. Ash, don't worry, mom and dad are here for you" dad said and caressed Ashley's face. Ash gave her dad a bitter smile and hugged him. Dad hugged her back and said "okay, but first we need to go home, get ready to go to the hospital, and when Ray's out of the hospital, I'll take you to meet that jerk of a guy, okay?" Dad asked. Ash pulled back from the hug. "But, what if sis-" "Ash, don't say such things. Your sister is okay. I can feel it." Mom said suddenly. Dad looked at mom and nodded. "See, if your mother feels like it, then there's an almost a 100% chance of everything will end up well, trust your mom, she has motherly instinct." Dad said in a whisper-like tone. Mom of course heard it and giggled softly. Ash took a deep breath and sighed. "Ok".

Mom and dad both helped Ashley to the car and headed home. When they arrived home, they packed and got ready to go to the hospital to meet Rachel. Before leaving, Ashley took a little bit of time to play with her phone and blocked his number. Not just his number but all of his social media account. She really doesn't want to see or hear from him ever again. If she does end up meeting him, then he better gets ready for his ass to get kicked by Ashley. She isn't playing around anymore. Mom and dad called her from downstairs. "Coming!" Ashley replied. Before heading down stairs, Ashley glanced at her sister's bedroom. She peeked inside and saw a broken glass mirror. Ashley felt so sad suddenly, she was at the urge of crying. But she stayed strong. She hoped for the best for her sister, and went down stairs. Mom and dad were waiting for her. The got in the car and went to the hospital. Silence filled the car all the time. When they arrived, mom quickly asked the nurse at the counter where Rachel was. The nurse was a bit surprised but still smiled and show the whole family where Rachel was. Mom thanked the nurse and immediately opened the hospital room door. The moment the door opened; a familiar figure was lying on the clean, white hospital bed. With a few wires connected to her. Ashley can't hold back her tears, and so does mom. There she was, still unconscious, lying beautifully on the hospital bed, it was Rachel.

Ashley looked at her mom and dad. Her parents nodded and she was the first to enter the room. Then followed by her mom and dad. Ashley took a chair and sat right beside Rachel, holding her hand. It was cold. Rachel's face was pale. Her hands were now in the colour purple because of the coldness from the ocean water. Not to mention just by holding Rachel's hand, Ashley knew Rachel was weak. Very weak. Ashley wanted to cry but then she remembered that her sister once told her a fact, that when people are in a coma, yes, their body might be unconscious, but their mind is still conscious and could hear every sound near them. Even the sound of people talking. Ash coughed a bit trying to hold back her tears. She didn't want Rachel to know that she was crying. Ash wanted to be strong for Rachel.

Mom and dad smiled thinly. It looks like Ash finally calmed down a bit. She isn't acting too emotional. Mom got near Rachel and kissed her daughter's forehead. "Everything's going to be fine dear, mommy's here, dad is also here, and of course, who could forget about Ashley?" Mom said, talking to Rachel as if she was conscious but truthfully, she could hear them. But she couldn't respond. Mom and dad looked at each other and then looked at Ashley. "Ash, mom and dad are going to look for dinner, do you want to join or?" "I'll just stay with Ray" Ash replied simply. Mom nodded and left both of her daughters alone at the hospital room. Ashley looked at Rachel "Ray, I wonder, what are you thinking about right now?"


The ocean breeze sure sounds nice, it's calming. I enjoy it a lot. But everyone knows that good things don't last forever, maybe that's why it's called the calm before the storm. Hey I wonder, was our relationship just a phase to you? I really thought I meant a lot to you. Those tears that you and I cried together back when we were a couple, were those even true, genuine tears? Your ocean eyes are beautiful, but just as the ocean, they can be deadly.

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