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Later that night, after mom and dad had come back from getting dinner and after Ashley had told the nurse that Rachel had woken up, Ashley also had the duty to explain to her parents regarding Rachel's condition. According to the nurse, Rachel was simply exhausted and needed to get more rest. By tomorrow, is she starts to feel better, she should be allowed to be discharged. Upon hearing such great news, mom and dad could only hug Ashley while Rachel was still deep in her slumber. They didn't need to know what Rachel was dreaming of. Neither did Rachel wanted to remember such a horrible dream. While everyone was happy about Rachel's physical condition, they still don't know much about how she's struggling mentally to the point even her dreams are about him, about Arthur.

Rachel was dreaming of the past, memories of their first date, when they went to watch a movie together, when he gave Rachel a bouquet of flowers and asked her to be his girlfriend, when they adopted a pet cat and he asked Rachel to name it. She had named the cat Panda. Thinking back, she's really curious about how the cat is doing. She totally lost contact with him for 5 years, so she didn't get a chance to ask about the cat's wellbeing. Heck, she wasn't even given a chance to ask Arthur anything about himself.

But now, the real question lies unanswered, why did he, never contact her sooner? Rachel would understand is he was busy or his parents completely forbid him from contacting any girls during his study, but he graduated a year earlier than Rachel. That would've been more than enough time for them to catch up and for him to explain to her everything. Rachel would've contacted him but he changed numbers, wasn't active on social media and she only got lucky when she found his secret second account, that seemed like it was really purposefully made to be kept as a secret. No one really followed him there, only around 20 people so those people could've been people who were really close to him during his university years.

That secret second Instagram account would've worked as a perfect space for him to contact Rachel again because it seemed like even his parents didn't know about the existence of that account, unlike his old Instagram account which had his parents as his followers. So even if Arthur had contacted Rachel again through that account, his parents wouldn't know. Plus, his dad did say that he can date again after he finishes his studies, so why didn't Arthur talk to her again? Unless he really didn't see Rachel as a prominent figure in his life. Unless, he only wanted to play with Rachel's feelings during high school. But, remembering those times they spent together at the library after school, it seemed, too real. All of those moments when he was emotionally vulnerable with Rachel, all of those moments really did happen. So really, why? Why didn't Arthur say a thing to Rachel? Why didn't he talk to her?

If he had explained the situation, Rachel would've understood, she's sure of it. Rachel already knows what his parents are like. Then, why? Why did he only message her just to invite her to his wedding? Why didn't he seen effected by any of this at all? It's as if he has completely forgotten everything that had happened between them. He must be hiding something. He must have something planned in his head, something that Rachel doesn't know. Something that is part of a bigger picture that Rachel isn't aware of. And Rachel being the curious girl that she is, will find out. By hook or by crook she will figure out what's really going on and will confront Arthur regarding it. Even if Ashley gets mad, so be it! She needs to know every piece of information there is. Only then, will she be able to forget the past, move on and will be at peace with herself. So, for now, she needs to get better quickly so she can arrange a meeting with Arthur and have a, let's just say, personal talk with him.

While Rachel was sound asleep in dreamland, or some might even say, her thoughts, Ashley couldn't help but notice her sisters' expressions while sleeping. One second her eyebrows would furrow, another second it would look as if she wanted to cry. Ashley wasn't sure what was happening, but she was sure that whatever her sister is going through must be tough. Rachel can't even be in peace while sleeping. Ashley could only blame one man for that. Ashley would make sure that if she ever crosses paths with that man again, she will make a mental note to herself to make sure she gives him a punch to the face. Would that be considered assault? Perhaps, yes, maybe it is. But that man deserves it nonetheless. Even her parents and Rachel can't stop her for doing so. It's the least he could pay for making Rachel go through this.

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