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~26th June~
~Lydia's Bedroom, Packhouse~
(Lydia's Outfit)

~26th June~~Lydia's Bedroom, Packhouse~~4:30AM~(Lydia's Outfit)

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(Darla's Outfit)

(Lydia's POV)We were getting ready to head to Shadow Paw and we were up early to pack thr last few things

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(Lydia's POV)
We were getting ready to head to Shadow Paw and we were up early to pack thr last few things. We'd be staying there for 6 months. Not our choice. The elders determined this was the only amount of time to make improvements. Not just to the hunters, but the trackers and Ezra's leadership too. So we'd be returning in the winters of December, so yeah I'd was packing a lot. Darla was coming too. She insisted actually. We both made sure our businesses were being run with our most trusted managers and we told them to call us if anything bad happened.
"Lyds you can bet your ass that I'll be coming with you. You think I'll miss out on the opportunity to mess with your sister." she said to me fully serious and I burst out laughing.
"If you promise to hex her, you can come." I replied. I was going to let her come regardless. She was a lot of support for me. We had packed the day before and we stayed in the packhouse, so we wouldn't have to drive over in the early morning. Darla wasn't a morning person and the only way that I managed to get her awake is that I promised to buy her something from Starbucks on the way there. Most of the Hunters and Trackers would be arriving in a two coaches while me, Darla, Sadie, Levi, Dylan and Logan would be driving there in cars. Me, Darla and Levi in one car and Sadie, Dylan and Logan in the other. It would be around 6-8 hours drive (dependent on traffic), so we'd have a 3 pit stops on the way. Me and Levi said we'd half the driving, so the other can get some rest. I was actually looking forward to going to Shadow Paw to be honest. I thought that I would have been more upset or nervous, but I'm dying to go back and show them all who I've become. I can tell that Levi's worried about me though. He's been worried about me all week. Always checking on me, double checking that I wanted to go and he's been more touchy than usual. Whenever we're just sat, he cuddle up to me. He's offering me some comfort in the best way he can and I'm grateful. Him just being there calms me down. It's like all my senses, muscles and tension disappears when he holds me in his muscular arms and snuggles into the side of my neck. I'm really hoping that Levi is my second chance mate. I really like him, but I know the danger of falling in love before a mate bond. If we're not mates, his second chance mate or mine could come along and mess what we have up. Me and Darla got our bags and went downstairs to begin loading them into the car. Everyone looked exhausted if I'm being entirely honest. Bags under their eyes and some of them yawning heavily. I said good morning to all of them and then I went to put my bags in the trunk of the car. Levi was already out putting his bags away too.
(Levi's Outfit)

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