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~31st October~
*Guest Packhouse*
(Lydia's Outfit)

~31st October~*Guest Packhouse**11:35AM*(Lydia's Outfit)

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(Darla's Outfit)

(Sadie's Outfit)

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(Sadie's Outfit)

(Lydia's POV)I've been so fucking busy trying to salvage this pack

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(Lydia's POV)
I've been so fucking busy trying to salvage this pack. After Ezra saw my engagement ring he's been drunk as fuck. He hasn't stopped drinking and he only stops when he passes out asleep. He's found "new friends" that are the worst type of people. The type of people that will abuse their partners and gamble away their families money. I spent the entire rest of yesterday sorting about some management for this pack. I picked one of the best hunters I had trained as Head Hunter. Dylan picked Head Tracker and I picked 2 of my best as Beta-Female and Male. They were mates too so a bonus I guess. Ezra hasn't even bothered to come and meet them. Look I get he's feeling rejected right now and I guess the fact I've found someone else and that I'm pregnant he has actually realised that he has no shot with me and that he missed his chance. I would feel a slight bit of sympathy if he wasn't acting like a complete dickhead. Me and the girls were trying to go over some sort of security plan that we could implement while the guys were out speaking with the Elders to try and get some funds for Shadow Paw. All I have to say is that it doesn't look good for Shadow Paw at the moment. Ezra doesn't make the best impression on people and they are usually reluctant to help him. We're trying to see what we can do with the lack of money that we have currently.
"What can we actually do?" Sadie asked with a sigh.
"I don't fucking know. I don't think anyone will be willing to loan this pack a thing," I said shrugging and rolled my eyes.
"I doubt that the elders will give them the money either," Darla replied.
"So their fucked essentially," I replied and we all sighed.
"Hey Lyds, we did the best we could at the end of the day, it's Ezra's fault and somethings we can't fix, but we gave them a chance, so don't blame yourself," Darla said hugging me and I just smiled softly.
"I know, but it still hurts knowing that this pack pretty much has no shot you know."
As we were talking, the boys came into the lounge looking exhausted.
"No shot huh?" I asked and they all shook their heads.
"We just gotta pray that the Nightmares don't attack for a while or at least not in the masses," Levi answered and we all just nodded.
~1st November~
(Lydia's Outfit 2)

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