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~A week later~
~22nd October~
*Guest Packhouse Bedroom*
(Lydia's Outfit)

(Lydia's POV)3 weeks left until we leave this shit hole and I can't wait to leave

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(Lydia's POV)
3 weeks left until we leave this shit hole and I can't wait to leave. My sister and Ezra are hooking up again, but everytime after he comes to the packhouse and cries and grovels at my feet for me to take him back and that he's sorry. It's really pathetic and I feel kinda sorry for him, but if he truly had remorse he'd be able to find his second chance mate. He's drinking a lot too. Most of the time I see him he's clearly drunk and stumbling about and he's still not running the pack as he should. He won't tell us whether he's agreed to the security system idea, but he better hurry up. Scarlett is feeling smug with herself because she's convinced herself that I'm not pregnant and that's she's going to be Luna. I couldn't care less to be honest. Only insecure people obsess over other people's lives like that and I'm not stooping to that bitch's level. Yesterday, we got a letter from the elders, inviting us and the Shadow Paw wolves to a gala that they're holding in celebration of the decrease of Nightmare attacks and appearances. It's in 5 days. I for one think this is a bad idea, but who am I to challenge the Elders' judgement? Levi's excited though because his parents will be there and he's missed them. I've missed them too event though we've been video calling once a week. We still haven't told them I'm pregnant because we wanted to do it person. I have decided to officially ask Anthony and Nova to move to Dark Claw. I have everyone's full support. They still might say no and choose to stay, but I can't watch them run themselves to death tying to save this pack. I asked them to meet me at a cafe in town so that we could talk without any chance of Ezra just showing up and interrupting. I asked Levi to come with me for moral support again and he insisted especially after what happened last time when I fainted in the forest. He doesn't want anything to happen to me or the baby and he always prioritises our safety and well-being. I love that about him.
(Levi's Outfit)

"Hey baby, you ready to get going?" Levi called to me as he entered the room

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"Hey baby, you ready to get going?" Levi called to me as he entered the room. I nodded in reply.
"Yeah, I'm ready, we can go," I answered back hugging him tightly. He kissed my cheek and he held me tight.
"If you feel too stressed, I can go and ask them for you?" he asked me soothingly.
"No, no, I'm fine. I can do it." I replied and he gave me one of his wide boyish smiles.
"I'm proud of you Lydia, you're so fucking strong and I love that about you," he replied into my hair and I let out a relieved little breath.
"Thanks Levi, I love you," I said to him with a smile.
"I love you too Lyds." he spoke back to me and then we headed out of the room.
(Anthony's Outfit)

~Timeskip~*12:38*~Cafe~(Anthony's Outfit)

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(Nova's Outfit)

(Levi's POV)I was so proud of Lydia

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(Levi's POV)
I was so proud of Lydia. She was offering up a place she found safe and and home to people who had hurt her because she felt sorry for how they were being treated. I was going to come with her regardless. I haven't left her side since she told me that she was pregnant. I don't want her under any intense physical or emotional stress. We were sat across from Ezra's parents who had confused looks on their faces.
"Alright I asked you to come here, so I could ask you something important. I don't mind your answer either way, so don't feel pressured either way." Lydia said to them and they just nodded.
"I was wondering if you wanted to move to Dark Claw or even the town around it, I lived there for a year without being in a pack and it's a lovely quiet, relaxing town. Ezra doesn't treat you all that well and you deserve to retire without your son treating you like shit," Lydia said to them and their eyes widened in shock. I don't think that they were expecting that.
"W-what?" Anthony stuttered out and Lydia just gave them a reassuring smile.
"I mean it, if you want to you can leave with us. My brother and Stella are leaving with us too. You might have been done some awful shit to me, but I'm willing to look passed that because at the end of the day you did raise me and I can't watch Ezra treat you so awfully." Lydia replied moving closer as she did. I took her hand and squeezed it tightly. Suddenly, Nova burst into tears.
"Thank you Lydia, Thank you Levi. We've been under so much stress and Ezra treating us so badly is helping either. We just want to retire. We're old now and we want to live out our golden years, but here we can't do that. We'd love to move to the town. I think we need a break from pack life. I can't speak for Anthony, but for me I just want to live out the rest of my time happy and relaxed." Nova replied through sobs. Anthony nodded in reply.
"I agree, I want that too. I'm grateful for your kindness Lydia, you too Levi. After everything you went through, especially because of us, yet you still care for us." Anthony replied.
"We'd be more than happy to help you move. I take family very seriously and seeing how your son treats you although you're the one helping him out honestly disgusts me. We'd love to help you, you just have to be ready to leave in the next 3 weeks and if you change your mind we are fine with that." I answered while Lydia gave me one of her gorgeous smiles.
"I think we've made up our mind. Unfortunately, we spoilt our son and we are to blame for how he acts now, but we can't continue to baby and help him when he acts this way. He needs us to leave, so that he can gain some independence." Nova replied. We finished talking with Nova offering me and Lydia some tips for her pregnancy and we discussed maybe driving them to town so that they could find a place to live, but we wouldn't mind if they stayed on pack land until they found a home of their own. We headed back to the guest packhouse and Lydia was in a vibrant mood. She was really happy and it made me joyful to see her so happy. I was planning to propose to her at the gala next week. My parents were helping me get a ring in her size sorted. Although it wouldn't be a traditional wedding, but a mate binding ceremony, it was still an occasion to propose to her. Plus she actually had to say yes. Sure we were mated, but this ceremony would put us on a different level of mate bond and would solidify even more. I couldn't wait.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter my lovely angels. I hope to see you guys next week. Love you guys, blessings and peace.

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