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Liked by wroetoshaw and 2,726 others

Birthday night out thank you everyone for coming 💕


Miniminter you look very beautiful tonight
Lanaairey thank you soo much si that means me very happy 😊
Miniminter just the truth 

Freyanightingale I'm soo glad we went out it's soo fun
Lanaairey girl you've spent most time making out with josh
Freyanightingale don't out me like that girl

Geenelly I love you and everything about you
Lanaairey marry me
Geenelly I'd love to marry you Alana


I put my phone down and look at the crowd house. The odd person on their phone. Others drinking and dancing. I sit by myself taking a small puff of my vape. " can I have go" I heard a manly voice say. I look up and see Simon. I give him  a confused look and give him the vape.

He takes a small puff and chokes. I giggle. " do you even vape" I said while taking my vape off him. He shock his head no. " I just wanted an excuse to come see you. " I chuckle and move over on my seat  so he can join me. " how's it being 21 then" I roll my eyes. " it sucks I'm getting old."

He shakes his head. " girl I'm literally 30" I look at him and laugh. " old man" he looks at me in the eyes. " your beautiful Alana" I smile and look away. " your drunk" he shakes his head. " of course not I'm completely sober" I laugh and turn back to him.

" you literally smell of alcohol the stench of vodka is soo bad" he gasped. " you think I smell do you" I nod and smile. " I think most folk are leaving now" he said. I look around and see people waving bye. Gee runs up to me. " sorry girl I gotta go now but thank you" she hugs me.

" I should get going now but thank you for coming" I said standing up looking at Simon. " let me walk you home can't have you walking the streets of London on your own" I smile and nod. " that would be lovely" we step outside of the house and start walking down the dark street.

I grab Simon's hand and sway our hands. Me and Simon have had a funny friendship I think we both like each other but neither of us have ever asked each other out. " do- I mean you don't need too but I was wondering do you maybe sorta wanna spend the night" I said choking on my words.

" I'd love to Lana." I stand dead on my tracks and look at him. " kiss me" I said quietly but softly . " your wish is my command" he said he leaned closer to my he tucks my hair behind my ear and puts his hands behind my head and pulls it closer to him and we slowly connect our lips. It was magical.
We kiss for a minute and I pull away. " let's go home" he smiles and continues our walk.

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