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Liked by dannyaarons and 45,726 others

They see me rolling hating
Photocreds: Lanaairey


Lanaairey you're an actual embarrassment!
Angryginge you're the one who wanted food
Lanaairey I didn't say go on the kids ride though

Dannyaarons how the fuck is she putting up with you
Angryginge I'm a great guy!
Lanaairey you're fucking annoying

User1 Lana and ginge?
User2 did something happen with Simon ?
User yeah I think so

We walk into Nando and take a seat. " I'm fucking starving" I said going through the menu on my phone. " yeah same I don't know what to have" he said sighing looking at his phone. I end up ordering chicken wings, mash and corn. " so what happened" I chuckle and look at my rings playing with them. " he kissed some chick called Talia and my album party" he scoffed. " of course he did cunt"

I smile and look at him. " so how's life treating you" he smiles. " not much my streams seem to be doing well, got a few footie games coming up" I smile and nod. " I'm proud of you" I smile. My phone starts ringing, I stand up. " I'll be two minutes" he nods and I head out the restaurant. " hi" I said. " why are you with ginge" it was Simon. I roll my eyes. " what's your problem" I ask.

" you're with another guy and we broke up less then 6 hours ago" I scoff. " one me and ginge are just good mates and I needed a friend, two you cheated I had every right to leave and go somewhere to have a break" he sighs. " Lana can we please talk when you're back" I stare at my hand again. " fuck it fine I'll be back tomorrow" I hear a sigh of relief. " thank you Lana"

I end the call and make my way back to Morgan he was currently eating his food , I sit down and smile at the plate of food. " oh finally" I said eating a bit of mash. " is everything  ok" I smile. " yeah it was Simon he wants to talk tomorrow" he nods. " are you going" I nod. " yeah I'll let him talk but that's it" he smiles and keeps eating. " as long as you are happy I'm happy" " thank you Morgan" I said continuing to eat

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