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Liked by miniminter and 12,737 others

First hello new people :) life is great right now y'all 🥰


Miniminter oh love your stunning.
Lanaairey I'm so lucky to have you minter

Freyanightingale I... love you!
Lanaairey I.... Love you to

User1 she soo pretty


Not gonna lie to you all since me and Simon aren't a secret anymore life doesn't  seem as adventurous! Everyone is going too well for my liking.

I walk through Simon and JJ's apartment and head towards the couch. " Lana" I turn and see jj. " everyone alright" he nods. " I didn't know you were here" I smile. " yeah Simon invited me over last night but he had to go recored with Chris this morning soo he just left me here" I said rolling my eyes.

Jj smiles and heads over to the chief so cook us some food. I put on some tv and scroll through my phone. " can I ask a question lana" I turn to jj and nod. " why'd you stop making music." I stay quiet and hesitate. " I stop making music once me nearly a year ago now I believe. I'm not too sure why just did I guess" I smile.

He looks at me. " you should start doing it again. I mean you don't really wanna make YouTube videos and people love you why not show off your talent" I look at jj and think. ' he could be right. I could start again.'. " would ... would you help me" I said asking him nervously.
He smiles wide. " girl you don't need to ask me twice"

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