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Feeling pretty today xox


Freyanightingale your always beautiful
Lanaairey thank you my lovely

Wilbursoot 😍
Lanaairey sssh you

Burntchip oh Lana 😍
Lanaairey now now chip

Geenelly I want to be you!!!
Lanaairey no you don't trust me xox

User1 chip and Wilbur?
User2 she's a pretty girl what do you expect
Hater1 she ain't that pretty bro

Hater2 why does everyone like her I mean come look at her
User3 we are looking at her and she beautiful

Dms between Lana and Simon. Lana is normal Simon is bold

Oh Lana you looked soo hot in that Instagram picture.

Oh does my boy like?

Oh very much so. Don't like the fact will and chip comment tho. Your mine and only mine

I know I am baby don't worry I was only not making it sus!

Of course darling but the things I could do to you right now!

The things? Why don't you put them to point and come over?

I wish I'm doing a sidemen video right now so we will have to reschedule:(
But on the track of sidemen videos. Me and the boys were wondering if you wanna be apart of the 100-10,000 holiday video!

As long as I am on a good time I'd love too :D

Girl you wouldn't know if you were on good or bad it's a Surpise.

Stupid thing but it's a free holiday so sure

You also get time with your boyfriend....

Meh that too ig...


( this pov is gonna be a sidemen video but it's not based on a real one it's just a random one I've put together)


I stand at the airport and it's currently 2:30 am. I look to my left and see Tobi and Simon and to my right is Jj. " if this is the bad team, I'm gonna Sue yous" I said smiling. " girl we have Tobi he's never on the bad team" Jj said. I give Tobi a look. " if you disappoint me tobs we will never be friends again.

Simon grabs the first envelope off kon . The camera turns on and I smile at it. " so we are currently at the airports and it's like half 2 and we finally have our first envelope oh and Alana is here" Simon said. I give him a dirty look. " and Alana is here, why don't you try that again and be happy" I said giving him a grin.

" oops sorry, AND LANA IS HERE GUYS. Let's all cheer" all the boys cheer and i smile. " thank you" he opens the envelope and reads it out. " we are going to the Bahamas" we all look at each other. " that's either good or bad!" I sigh. " but hot soo I'll tan" I smirked.

We all board the plane and I'm sitting next to Simon and some random woman. I place my head on his shoulder and smile. " I'm so excited to spend some time with you" si said. I nod. " me too baby but we need to be careful" he nods. " just pretend to be asleep so you can stay like they" I do as he says.

Kon puts the camera in my face. " look she's asleep let's annoy her" jj said. Simon laughs. " maybe it's 3:30 am let her sleep and annoy her tomorrow" jj rolls his eyes and goes back to his sleep. The flight was long but totally worth it at the end.

We all get into a taxi and film a little bit for the video. We arrive at a massive villa. " fuck off" I said. " we the good team" I question. Kon gives me an envelope and I open it. " congratulations your the good team!" I scream. They all cheer I continue to read. " go take the time to pick your rooms and explore the house and at 4pm head down to the docks there is a Surpise.

I look at the boys. " I want the biggest room" I said running Into the house. I hear them all laugh. The room I picked was massive. A bath in the middle of the room a California king sized bed. A walk in wardrobe. It was a girls dream. I sat on my bed admiring the view when there was a knock on the door.

" come in" I said. I look at the door and see Simon come in locking the door behind him. " everyone is sleeping, so I thought I'd come make use of my time" I smirk. " make use of your time and how would that be" he come closer to me pushing me down against the bed. He hoovers over me and kisses my neck.

" Simon we gotta be careful what if someone wakes up" he puts his hand over my mouth. " they will only wake up if your loud so be quiet" he smirks I nod and let him continue. As I said before you can all use your imagination again ;)))

To be continued......

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