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Tour spam! Thank you all for coming it means the world to me! If yoy couldn't make it I still appreciate at you all. Make sure you all go grab some merch at my website Lana.airey.com

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I step into my flat for the first time in a week and take a deep breath, myself and Simon haven't spoke since I found out about him and Talia. I just couldn't bring myself to look at him. I make my way to my gaming room and collapse onto my chair. I scroll through my pc and just take some time to myself .

My mood was interrupted by my phone pinging. I look down and see it was Simon's contact trying to call me. I roll my eyes and leave it to run to voicemail. But he then phones me again instantly. I stare at it a moment before hesitating. " what" was all I could let out. " you need to talk to me eventually Alana." He said sounding pissed. " do i though! Your the one who fucked up minter not me" I said biting my lip holding back the pain.

He sighs " Alana I love you I'm so sorry for what I did to you!" He said I could hear the pain in his voice. " I'm sorry Simon but I can't trust you anymore. Goodbye" I said then pressing the red end button. I throw my phone onto my desk and cry. I soon get a discord call, I see the icon and see it was ginge. " hey Morgan" I said wiping my tears.

" woah woah woah, you don't need to cry when you see me Jesus" I laugh a little. " I'm sorry me and Simon just broke up and I had myself a little cry" I see his expression change. " I'm sorry Lana, wanna hop on gta rp with me" he said trying to make me smile. I shake my head no. " thank you for the offer ginge but I just don't think I'm in the right head space." He smiles. " no i understand. If you want you're more than welcome to come visit me in Manchester anytime you want" I smile and look at him

" I'll take you up on that offer one day! I'll talk to you later ginge bye" he waves bye and ends the call. I lean back on my chair and run my hands through my hair. I then decide to call ginge back. " long time no see airey" he smiles. " ya know what Morgan I will come visit you. Are you free now if I drive up." A big smile creeps on his face. " see you in a couple of hours" he smiles and hangs up.

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