Part 2

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I am not aware of any mention of this incident by Father Mancuso when he left the house, nor did he mention it to either George or Kathy when leaving. On December 24, 1975, Father Mancuso called George Lutz and advised him to stay out of the second floor room where he had heard the mysterious voice, the former bedroom of Marc and John Matthew Defoe, which Kathy planned to use as a sewing room, but the call was cut short by static. 

When Father Mancuso visited the house, he allegedly developed a fever as well as blisters on his hands, similar to stigmata, as a result of his visit. When George and Kathy first entered the house, they did not experience anything unusual at all, but when they spoke later about their experiences, they said that they felt like they were living in separate houses.

A house blessing attempt by George and Kathy was made again in mid-January 1976, but after another attempt at a house blessing, the couple experienced what would later prove to be their final night in the house. In response to the events that occurred that day, the Lutzes declined to provide an in-depth account of these events, describing them as "too frightening".

As a result of the problems with the house, the Lutzes decided to move some belongings over to Kathy's mother's house nearby in Deer Park, New York, so that they could stay there until the problems with the house were resolved. They claim that the phenomenon followed them there, as Anson's book describes a slimy green slime approaching them on the staircase at the end of the book, according to them. A story goes that on January 14, 1976, George and Kathy Lutz left 112 Ocean Avenue with their three children and their dog Harry behind, all of their possessions with them. There were no paranormal phenomena reported during his time inside the house, and when the mover arrived the next day to move the possessions to the Lutzes, he did not report any paranormal phenomena during his time inside the house.  


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