2 Dreams - Sophia's POV

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...And we're back at home after a regrettable first day of school. I'm a little bit disappointed in myself for not being able to remain sour with Sebastian for longer than half an hour, but I have needs. I got this mischievous desire to jump at him to climb him like a tree and draw the likeable side of him out. It worked fairly well since I am now pinned down on the round living room swing.

"...Why don't you answer me?'' he presses.

''I just did."

I believe my little backchat triggered his fingers to really start tickling me because, within seconds, I am whining and worming madly. Every time I scrabble forward, I am dragged back to be tickled more.

''I can't spank you since you misbehaved at school, so it'll be a lasting tickling,'' he says, prodding a squeak out of me as his fingers dig into my waist.

My combination of backchat and pleas is laughable to him, and he persists in tickling me breathless and strained until the doorbell rings. I squirm, mashing my face on my cushion while he hurries to the door.

Whoever dared to disturb us will possibly be treated like a tree by me, too...

''Is she upset?'' I hear Alexander ask with a mixture of pity and concern.

''No, she's just catching her breath after some play,'' Sebastian explains to him, and Alexander laughs softly.

Sebastian comes over to the swing, picks me up and carries me over to the sofa where Alexander is already seated. ''Are you scared of him, Soph?'' he mocks, and I grumble some rudeness into his chest.

Alexander chuckles. ''Be nice to her when the brat is being sweet.''

"I thought you wouldn't dare come over again considering how last time ended," I muse, prompting an awfully awkward look on Alexander's face.

"That's solved and was never your business, Soph," Sebastian declares, sending Alexander a reassuring look.

''You're just gonna sit with your puzzle all night now,'' I mumble whiningly.

''Yeah, and you're probably just going to cling to me all night,'' Sebastian chuckles. ''You can pick a show to watch.''

''Yes, you should switch on the TV and pick some background entertainment,'' Alexander encourages. ''I brought drinks and sweets for you, too, Soph.''

I feel him tap my back with the remote and I flounder in Sebastian's lap to face the TV. He puts the remote in my hand, exhorting me to pick a movie or show.

''Ah, that's such a classic!'' Alexander approves of my choice of TV show. ''Love it.''

I scan the table with treats and puzzles, fixing my gaze on the iced coffee, doughnuts and caramels.

''Good choice, Soph,'' Alexander praises and gathers them for me.

His manners cringe me out, to be honest. ''Are you trying to flirt with me or be my, like, nursery teacher?''

''...Neither,'' Alexander chuckles. ''You are a cute and interesting young lady, but the last fact is an absolute dealbreaker."

''Good. Anyway, would you be handsy with me or like creepy like Zander before we turned out to be related?''

''No, that would feel weird and very unnatural to me,'' Alexander replies. ''I have no interest in engaging in intimate activities with women at all."

''Okay,'' I note approvingly. "What would happen if you two ended up in bed together or if Bastian tried to pin you down and smack you?''

Alexander bursts into laughter, reminding me of his father's and Bailey's hearty laughter.

''Soph, you need to be polite,'' Sebastian admonishes me lightly, a bit ashamed of my blunt manners. "This is what happens when she isn't padded—she becomes too brazen and forgets that she is just a powerless, abashed brat."

Sebastian's withering comment makes me blush intensely. "I'm only helping you two awkward muppets out!"

''Well, we won't know until he tries,'' Alexander winks.

I carry on interviewing him in the same blunt style, rousing many laughs in him and much embarrassment in Sebastian. I think it's fair considering how often and severely he embarrasses me.

''Soph,'' Sebastian whispers scoldingly, cupping his hand around my chin and tilting my head backwards. ''Are you sleepy?''

''You want me to go to bed so you can play with your dumb puzzle alone,'' I smile naughtily at him.

''It is a bit challenging to solve a puzzle with a person clinging to you, yes,'' he admits, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

I show them an exaggerated grossed-out reaction to the kiss, which amuses them both.

"You have to pick what you want—the brat who doesn't cling to you but mocks you or the clingy one who gives you no personal space,'' Alexander notes.

Sebastian hums. ''I'll go prepare her for bed.''


A while goes by, and I don't fall asleep. The curiousness about what they are chatting about keeps me awake.

My nosiness wins, and I tiptoe downstairs to the living room...

Maybe I fell asleep and am dreaming now—I wouldn't call it a nightmare. Their hands are no longer groping for puzzle pieces, to put it mildly.
I won't be able to go back to sleep anytime soon. I'm going to 'do a Bella' and spy on their most private business and share it at lunch tomorrow.

2 | Defiance Discipline Dream RepeatWhere stories live. Discover now