7 A Test - Zander & Sophia's POV

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Zander's POV

"No, Zander. I have a better idea. Sebastian–" Alexander baulks.

"Mr Stickler might involve the police if I nick his wallet. My mum would never," I argue, self-assured.

"I'd rather be interrogated by the police than your mum, to be honest," he says, and I shake my head at his dire humour, only to realise that he's actually serious...

Ultimately, I lure Alexander to the mall and into a diverse clothing shop. I am somewhat overwhelmed by the women's lingerie section, and Alexander appears to share my reaction—there are an outrageous amount of styles of underwear hanging on the walls and numerous racks.

''What kind of knickers does she wear?'' I muse.

''How am I supposed to know?'' he asks dryly.

Lurking among the shelves and racks for what feels like forever, a worker encounters us. A young woman with an annoyingly sparky attitude. ''Do you need any help, lads?''

''Um... I'm buying something for my girlfriend's birthday,'' I fib. ''I'm not sure what size she is, though.''

''Oh, how lovely! Could you maybe estimate her size?''

''She's short,'' I move my hand to the level of Sophia's height. ''But pretty normal and smaller than my mum,'' I point at the photo of a half-naked, plump middle-aged lady on the wall. ''That's what my mum looks like. She's good-looking, but not my type...''

She looks at me like I'm an idiot when she's the idiot for not understanding me.

''...I can show you a pic,'' I pull my phone out and thumb to a photo of Sophia. The picture displays her lolling by Bella's pool with her mates earlier this summer.

''Oh, she's super pretty! I'd say she's a small/medium, depending on the type of garment.''

''Alright, thank you." I force a friendly smile before I walk away hurriedly. I'll never visit this shop again.

Because they have a 3 for 2 offer, and it feels weird to only buy one pair, I grab three random knickers in those sizes.
Wending my way to the checkout, I slide my hand into my pocket to take out Mum's wallet... I lightly panic when it's empty... like the rest of my pockets. I spin around to Alexander, skimming all his pockets, too, and prompting him to check his bag for the wallet. When he doesn't find it in his bag, I rush back to the unduly large lingerie section to ferret around for the wallet. Its yellow colour should be easy to spot. Instead, I catch a glimpse of a man, dressed in a black coat, standing still as a statue in the corner, poorly obscured by the mannequins on the stand in front of him. His black sunglasses are riveted on me, and his hands, clothed in black leather gloves, rest against each other.

I stalk over there. ''Dad! Why are you playing gangster in the lingerie section?!''

Not saying a word, he slides his hand inside his coat and pulls out a yellow wallet. ''Looking for this?''

My jaw drops simultaneously as I narrow my eyes at him. ''No, not my wallet,'' I lie.

''Exactly. So why did you take it?'' he rumbles.

''It's not yours either, so why do you carry it? How did you find me? Did you stalk us!?''

''I pulled a test on you, baby Corbyn, and you failed,'' he articulates scornfully.

''What fucking test?''

''I put this wallet by the door to see if you would nick it,'' he tells me. ''You shouldn't let the urges get the better of you. It's like an addiction to you.''

''I didn't take it,'' I lie. ''You're the one messing with me and Mum!''

His sunglasses come off and slip into the chest pocket of his coat, he staring into my eyes piercingly. ''Put the knickers back, and let's go.''

''Yeah, but I will stay out with him,'' I glance back, seeing Alexander roaming awkwardly.

''Alexander!" Dad calls, catching Alexander's awkward attention. "Zander is busy for the rest of the night, but you can meet up tomorrow morning if you'd like!''

''No, I'm not!'' I stand wide and firm, crossing my arms.

Dad grasps the back of my neck, leaning down a notch to whisper, ''I will drag you out like a rowdy toddler, and then I will take you to the woods and play gangster with you. Then, I will take you home and tell your mum all about stealing her wallet and your plan about entangling Phia in it.''

''Fine!'' I groan, jerking my neck to get out. ''Psycho!"

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