6 Scary Boy - Zander's POV

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I storm out of the kitchen and flump into the passenger seat of Alexander's car—a red Mini Cooper—an embarrassing car to drive as a man...

''We could've had dinner with your family,'' Alexander says, installing himself on the other side.

''No, I can't stand them always being at home. It was so much better to live alone,'' I grumble.

''I think your family is lovely, but I'm not going to lie; your mother scares me a bit.''

''Everything scares you, Downton Abbey,'' I snicker.

''Almost, but not you,'' he chuckles irritatingly.

I go quiet for a minute while we roll down the street at the pace of a snail. He's terrified of running over the neighbours' kids and grandmas, but I think if they don't want to be run over; they shouldn't be fooling around on the street.

''LOOK!'' I shout.

The car brakes abruptly, Alexander gasps, and the horn blasts. I cackle at his petrified response.

''You are very much scared of me,'' I state smugly, clapping.

''Don't do that! It's dangerous!'' he scolds, slapping me on the shoulder. Because he's such a weakling, it feels like a light pat. ''You could cause an accident and have us and others killed! Is that what you want!?''

''There's literally nobody around!'' I point at the empty street and peopleless pavements.

''If you do that again, especially on the busy road. I will never go in a car with you again,'' he snarls. ''It's not funny when it puts lives at risk.''

''I won't do it again if we go to Maccies,'' I smirk at him.

He mumbles something, restarting the car. ''Do you want a Happy Meal then?''

''Does it look like a Happy Meal is enough for a man like me?'' I scoff.

''I can get you two–''

''No!'' I bark.

''Don't be so aggressive in the car!'' he reproaches me again. ''Sit still and quiet unless you want to end up in the newspaper as the boy who caused a horrific car accident.''

''I want a proper hamburger, large chips and chicken nuggets as a side dish,'' I whisper in a devilish voice.

''Okay. I can ask them if they will give you a toy–"

''I'll shove that toy up your ass, Downton Abbey!'' I exclaim.

''Stop yelling!'' he snaps. ''Is it too hard for you to speak decently at a reasonable volume?''

''We're not in your library! I need to speak loudly to be heard despite the blaring cars around us!''

''I'll turn around the car and drop you off at home if you don't quieten down,'' he growls.

''My scary mum's gonna beat you up if you don't feed me enough,'' I backchat.

''Bloody oaf,'' he mutters and turns the radio on.


A quarrel about who will pay starts when we drive into McDonald's car park. I want Alexander to pay. I kinda need him to pay, too. I won't concede to that so soon, though.

''...The man pays, which is me,'' I declare. ''You're the missus who keeps twining on about bullshit.''

''With what money?'' he scoffs. ''You spent all your money on energy drinks and crisps like the chav you are.''

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