9 Queen - Sophia's POV

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The lightning reflects in the puddles, and the barred metal doors to the old garage vibrate as the thunder booms. I huddle underneath the narrow edge of the roof with Wesley and the trolls, not to be drowned by the downpour.


Bella's lively voice floats in the rain, and our precious little friend bustles toward us with an umbrella that looks like it could make her fly away in the storm due to the heavy wind.

We wave, calling her to come to join us.

''I'm going home now because my animals need me ASAP, and nobody else is home, so I was just gonna ask if Phia wants to come along. I just spoke to Mr Hollingworth, and he said it was a-okay for you to join me if you want,'' Bella gushes.

''Did he tell you that I was allowed to skip half the day so I could spend the day at your place?'' I baulk.

''Yes!'' She nods determinedly, smiling. ''The storm broke off the electricity, so he won't be able to teach properly, especially not you in maths, you know...''

I wish this was true, but I am very, very sceptical.

''...he said he will come to pick you up after school.''

''Are you sure he said that, Bells? Or are you fibbing us into trouble?'' I chuckle. ''You will probably get isolated again if you're lying.''

''Well, aye! I asked him if I could go home to the animals, and he doubted, so he called my mum to check - she explained the situation, and then he excused me. After that, I asked if I could bring you because I'd rather not be alone in the middle of nowhere when it's stormy, and who else but my bestie would I want to bring? He was a bit dubious at first, but he realised that he won't be able to teach you well, anyway,'' she raves.

I study her endearing face, displaying a little smile and puppy eyes. ''I'd love to come, but I'm not 100% sure, elfish Bells.'' I turn to the boys, who look suspicious like me. ''What do you think?''

''I'm not convinced, but I usually am able to tell if she fibs or not, but I can't tell for certain this time,'' Oliver says, and the others agree.

''I promise!'' Bella bounces. ''I know you don't want to get in trouble like you did last time, and I don't want to be isolated again, but I actually asked and talked to him, and he talked to my mum! Do you want to call my mum, too?'' She pulls her iPhone out of her pocket, tapping her chipped nails on its Twilight case.

''No, I don't need to check with your mum,'' I say. ''Did he say he'll pick me up after school? What else? Does he want me to notify him if I leave?''

''Yeah, around 6. Holling said he would get it if you don't; show up for class, so you don't need to. I promise. He was in a precious mood and didn't want me and the animals to be alone, and he knows how well you and I get along, and you like the animals and all that. It'll be a waste of time for you to sit; in class when you can't be taught. That'll probably lead to trouble when you get restless."

''Yeah,'' I still baulk. I want to go, but do I trust her? I could ask Sebastian, but that means I'll get her in trouble if she's lying. I don't want to be like that. ''Listen, I will come with you, but if he asks where I went - I will tell him you invited me after he excused us to leave because of the storm reason, okay?''

Bella grins and nods vigorously. ''It's a-okay, love!''

''Alright then. See you around!'' I call out to the boys, scurrying backwards.

''Yes! Good luck, and have fun! We'll text you any updates about Holling and his reaction!''


We are alone on the farm with the animals, meaning she didn't lie about that part. I'm doubting, but if Sebastian asks, I'll tell the truth about Bella, which she agreed to - so it should be true, right? Why would she approve of that and get herself in trouble? I'm not sure if I believe her being scared of the thunder, considering how upbeat she is, dancing and singing with the umbrella in the rain.

She proceeds to unlock the main entrance, sprinting across the house to open the backdoor, and then she prompts the freely roaming animals to come inside. The two dwarf goats, some chickens and pigs trot indoors. She opens all four dog enclosures and calls for their 14 dogs to go inside, too. Most dogs burrow into their houses and don't come forward until Bella shakes a food bowl to lure them indoors.

''Bella, aren't you going to dry them before they run inside, making the whole house muddy and wet?'' I waver by the door and watch three long-haired dogs, soaked in water, splatter the walls and clutter when they shake it off.

''No, it's fine! As long as they don't go into the kitchen, which is closed—it's a-okay!'' she yells, running across the house to me. ''Come inside, love!''

I know they let the animals into the outdoor rooms and the chaotic living room, but I've never seen them have chickens and pigs roving all over the place, making it wet and filthy.

''It'll dry, and I suppose someone will clean it at some point,'' Bella giggles, crouching to embrace the Collie with muddy legs.

''Yeah...'' I drawl doubtfully. ''We always dry the Frenchies' paws after they've been out.''

''Yeah, but your house is neat and tidy! We live on a big, old, shambolic farm!'' she exclaims perkily. ''Even Debbie gets that.''

''Right, does she still come around?''

''Yeah, almost daily when she's not at work or sleeping with Michael at home.''

''When do your parents come home, and how will they react to the dripping walls, muddy floors and jumble of animals?''

''Tonight,'' she grasps my hand and scuttles forward, leading me upstairs to her room. ''They are at work now, and then they'll go grocery shopping for the week. They usually come home at 9 on Mondays, and Debbie will have time to clean up before that, so mum and dad won't ever be mithered by it.''

''Yeah, we have time to clean up before Debbie comes over,''

''Nooo, it's fine. No need to fret, Phia love..."

Some animals scurry after us into her cosy living room space and make themselves comfy on the fluffy rug, under the table or on the sofa. Bella invites me to settle on her sofa, which I am not too keen on since two dogs have splattered sludgy water all over it. On the other hand, my uniform is as messy and drenched as the sofa by now. I flop down next to the dogs and take my phone out... realising there's no signal... or Wi-Fi connection.

''Oh, that happens when it's stormy,'' Bella shrugs and switches the TV on. ''Luckily, I got all my favourite TV shows downloaded.''

''Oh, that's great,'' I exhale. Fuck! This is not good. At all. ''Are you aware that you might get the scolding of your life from Holling, your family or even Debbie later?''

''If that happens, I just ignore it but pretend I listen,'' she replies roguishly. ''I've gotten better at that since Debbie came, and Holling is precious. I don't take offence or get upset because I understand you can get upset or act silly.''

''Remember how pissed off Debbie was when Ollie messed up her house?''

She chortles, clapping. ''Yes, but she isn't the queen of this house. I am the queen of the farm! The vampire queen!'' she proclaims childishly, cheering on herself.

''Mhm, you tell them that,'' I mutter, lips pressing into a line. ''When a civil war breaks loose on this farm.''

...I flinch when the doorbell sets off, and Bella laughs at me, appearing unalarmed.

''You stay here, and I'll check who it is,'' she whispers and leaps out.

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