Chapter 6

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" Nana your boy's stalking someone "

" he's not. So shut up benjo "

" he totally is "

" not you too, En "

" I mean he's not wrong in this"


First held up his hands in a mock surrender and said ," come on, look at it and tell me 8th isn't stalking the kid. "

" He's just watching over the kid okay?! "

"Whatever you say I guess."

" Do you think he's considering him a potential successor? " 4th asked

" Maybe not. let's just watch what he does " en replied.


" he's definitely a stalker " benjo comments

No one can refute that. Not even Nana. because 8th has been persistently watched the kid clean up the whole beach. And continued to train on the beach. For a whole year and a half...

" A-anyway the kid's amazing being able to clean up this dump. " Nana said trying to shift the talking from her successor being a stalker.

The others were well aware but decided to let it go.

" but why is the kid sometimes coverd in bruises are bandages though? It's not normal." 4th aka hikage asked.

" maybe because he's a delinquent or something " came 3rd's snarky remark.

" I don't think that's it though " 1st said softly.

" yeah, with all the training that brats been doing he could take down someone his own size no problem " for the first time ever since 8th stalk- er watched the kid, 2nd spoke up.

" those are mostly from physical attacks. Though some looks like it's from a quirk attack."

"But isn't that illegal though? " en asked bewildered.

" it is " Nana replied.

" then..."

" Hey guys 8th's approaching him. " benjo said. Causing all of them to focus on what is going on in front of them.

" God this kid looks beaten up " En said wincing

" How old is he?! He doesn't even look 10 so what the hell is up with all those Burns and bruises?!! " hikage clearly angry at the state the green-haired boy was in.

" Most of it is first and second degree burns... God is that a third degree burn?!! " Nana shrieked clearly not liking the sight in front of her. She was horrified. Most of them were at the of it all.

She really hoped toshi did something to help the poor kid.

" Why is toshi just sitting there??? why isn't he helping?!! " Nana yelled for the second time this day.

" I mean the kid is clearly uncomfortable with anyone helping him with his wounds so..." En trailed off

" I think he is being bullied or something along the line " hikage said

" This is too much for bullying and why the hell would someone bully him?? "

" Nana the kid literally just said he's quirkless. Obviously being quirkless in a time where quirk are the norm isn't going to be easy." Second snapped.

" It never changes does it" everyone except First and second looked at third.

third continued,

" In our time we are attacked and hunted down for having quirks and in this time this kid is suffering because he doesn't have one. "

All of them were silent after that. Because really what could they even say. Because in all likelihood, all of it is true. The kid's have been bullied because of not having something they had no control over.


"8th's definitely taking this kid as his successor" en stated the obvious.

"He is "

"Yeah he is "

" Way to state the obvious dumbass"

En gave banjo an annoyed look. As he huffed and sat back in his throne.

" I like Izuku. he would be an excellent 9th " first said as you look at the green haired boy softly.

" But when is he going to do it though he has been stalking- I mean watching this kid for 1/2 years and now he has been kind of mentoring him over another year? " Benjo said quickly changing his words when Nana shot him a death glare.

" I think he's going to do it today " hikage said.

" and how'd ya know that?" Benjo eyed hikage

"I just... have a feeling"

" Guys he's doing it He's finally doing it!! " Nana exclaimed. especially excited.

"Wow he even gave him the rundown of the whole story and stuff " en said.

" you think he's going to accept it? " hikage asked

" Of course he is!! .....right?" Nana asked unsure.

" Don't worry he's going to accept it" Second said before looking away. "You heard what kind of hero he wanted to be. he needs power for that to happen and one for all is the power he needs."

" Just give him some time to think it over. it'll be fine. Just trust him on this" first said pointing to second.

" he accepted it!!! " nana yelled way too excited.

"Damn look at his face when 8th turned to his all might form"

" it seems he had forgotten to mention his real identity. " En said with an amused look in his eyes.

" Well everyone... brace for a ride, I guess"

" This is getting old" hikage said

" Old and annoying" third added on.

"Well I can't really help the bumpy transfer process okay?!"

"See ya guys on the other side then" benjo laughed wholeheartedly.

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