Chapter 13

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It was a typical day for Izuku. A more normal day because everyone was keen on ignoring him including bakugou. after yesterday's beating the boy seems to have calmed down a bit. But that didn't stop him from making small explosions every time he was near him though. He didn't like that because he started to hate loud sounds as much as he hated where it came from.

But all in all it was normal. here he was waiting for All might to show up at the beach. In his own corner he created.

So when all might did show up and he dropped the truth bomb about their quirk.

"I'm sorry to say this all of a sudden but... all might... our quirk... one for all is haunted. "

"... w-what?" All might was so surprised he actually stuttered and coughed out blood.

"Ok! Don't freak out and let me explain " izuku cut him off before he could ask him anything

So after Izuku was done with his explanation he waited for a reaction from his mentor.

He waited.

And waited.

"Is he gonna say something or what?"

" this is getting annoyingly long and boring"

"Shut up you two! Give my boy sometime to process the information."

" ok , fine. Process away"

"All might... are you ok?" Izuku too agreed with en and banjo. The silence was getting awkward.

" yes! Yes! I'm fine. I-i just need some time to process this. I'm sorry young midoriya but I'll conduct our class another day."

"It's fine. Take your time "

Izuku watched as his mentor was walking way from him like he was possessed.

" well... it could have been worse..." first said trying to lighten the awkwardness a little.

" yeah " izuku said sighing as he began his way back home. But before he could do that he heard what sounds like a birds wings flapping. Well it was a beach so there are bound to be birds here... but it was too loud for it to be a small bird. And that flapping sound is too familiar to had to be-

" hay, there baby bird! How have you been?!"

He knew that loud voice. And that nickname. There's only one person who uses that particular nickname. It was someone he isn't going to acknowledge. So he kept walking.

" oh, come on Birdy don't be mad. " he was now flying around him as he pointedly ignore the flying overgrown chicken. " come on izuku. Look at me. I'm sorry"

" so your not going to even look at him? " nana's soft voice sounded. Alongside surprisingly second.

" how exactly do you know a hero in the top 10?"

"He's in the top 10?! Isn't This chicken is too young for that?" Banjo sounded scandalized as he practically screaming in izuku's head.

" Exactly how did you not know this information until now?"


" I wasn't actually paying attention to that sort of stuff."

" what do you pay attention to then?"

Banjo and en started to bickering as Nana tried to come them down. Izuku tuned them out at he focused on what was in front of him. It was a big red wing of a certain number three hero.

Izuku stopped then and looked hawks right in his eyes and said, " you better have a damn good explanation as to why you suddenly dropped of the face of the planet. And why i wasn't able to reach you."

" sorry Birdy but I- I was- I was just really busy with- something... I was on a mission...."

Izuku let out a long breath as he looked at hawks dead in the eyes.

" for more than a year? With no information about you available anywhere?"

Hawks was silent at that as he let izuku continue.

" I understand that your a hero but you could have at least let me know you'll be gone for a while. Or that you're ok. I have been looking for every and any news I could get my hand on of you. But I couldn't find anything. Did you know I have been this close to hacking into hpsc? The only reason I didn't was because I wasn't good at it and would have been caught the moment I touched them. "

" yeah, I'm glad you didn't- " hawks were cut off from what he was about to say.

" but I did hack into your agency though but there was still no whereabouts about you in your own agency. by the way you got to fix the online security measures of your agency."

" you didn't..."

" I did. And for your information I have all the embarrassing pictures of you smacking into glass windows and telephone poles and every little picture you have been hiding. plenty of blackmail material if you ask me. so you better watch out and make sure this never happens again." Izuka said smirking, side stepping him and walking away.

Hawks just stood there his mouth hanging wide open as he stared at his baby chick's retreating back as he shrieked.


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