Chapter 18

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After considering all the quirks and its uses and how it looks from the outside about talking to the other seven ghost friends of his, it was decided that one for all will be registered as an energy based quirk. If he did somehow acquire the other quirks he could play it off as him using energy in different ways. And him being quirkless for the past 10 years could help cover for the fact how only now he realizes the different uses on his newly activated quirk. The answer for this late of an manifestation was because he was storing energy in his body automatically before he could finally manifest in physical form and use it.

Though that will still leave questions for those too smart for their own good.

Even so, if that's what he keeps insisting on then that was the truth of the quirk. It was and is an energy based quirk. that's the end of it.

" What are you going to name it?"

" I don't know yet... But I'll figure it out before I register it."

" You should eat something ninth. You didn't eat because of all the chaos earlier. You should be starving right now "

" Yeah kid. Go eat something."

Now that they mention it he was starving. He didn't eat something for more then a day at this point. But before that...

Izuku stood up from his chair stretching. He let out a satisfied sound after hearing his bones pop. Even if he was sitting all day it was tiring mentally and physically. he wanted a shower. a long hot shower before he could even bother to eat anything.


After a long need bath izuku quickly eat something. It was late afternoon but he was sleepy because of not sleeping the night before so ne quickly sent a message to Yagi and keigo so they won't be worried. And no he didn't make a mental note to inform Yagi because he sounded so worried about him yesterday. It definitely wasn't the reason.

" Yeah, right!"

" Whatever you say kid."

Izuku chose to ignore the snickering from his ghost friends as he fall into a dreamless sleep.


Izuku woke up early the next morning. He did what had been doing for the last 3-4 years now. But the only difference was that he now had the constant warm buzz he feels from the past users. Even if they didn't speak he could feel that they were always with him. It was a different but pleasant feeling. He didn't have school today so after his morning exercise routine he took a shower and decided to go to the library the next town over. He was supposed to meet with keigo later in the day so he decided to visit the library again too.

He began to pack his bags with the things he could need. He had always been an overthinker, so he had always packed more things he could possibly need. But that still wasn't much. He fundamentally didn't have much to his name other than the phone and laptop and the medicals kit he kept at home. And of course some clothes as well. But that was it.

He was going to pack some extra clothes because last time he went out of town to search for a library he unfortunately had an encounter that left him drenched in coffee. And without a change of clothes, he had to spend the entire day smelling like coffee and a coffee's stained shirt feeling sticky and uncomfortable all the way home. He definitely didn't want to a repeat of that. So he always makes sure he has an extra change of clothes.

And him having to explain why he was packing clothes, sent his seven ghost friends into a laughing fit.

" It isn't that funny" izuku grumbled as he packed his bag.


" Sorry ninth." Yoichi said as he and nana shut the others up.

" Oi, kid! Isn't that a katana? Why are you taking that?"

" More importantly why do you have it?"

" You guys don't think that I was planning to be a hero with only knowing hand to hand combat were you? "


" That.... It actually never crossed my mind....."

" Anyway I'm going to train with hawks with this. Hawks is pretty good at using swords you know. He was teaching me until his suddenly disappeared. And he is supposed to teach me today too. "

" But why two swords?"

" I'm a dual wielder"


" That's so cool, kid!!"

" I-t's nothing much" izuku's ears turned red as he stammered out a response.

" But it is izuku. You're very talented for your age. "

"Damn right. kid, your talent suppresses any age for that matter."

" Not to mention how hard you work to achieve your dream"

" You're going to be an excellent hero izu. You can count on it. "

"""" Agreed""""

All six of the past users chimed in after Nana to agree with her. even second who usually stays quiet.

Izuku didn't know how to respond to that. No one ever really praised him before other then the praise he would sometimes get from all might and hawks.

It was the first for him that so many people actually said something like this to him. It was the first for him that so many of them believed he would become a good hero. So he replied with the only answer that came from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you"

And he meant it.

'thank you for believing in me. thank you for saying that i can do it. thank you for recognizing all the hard work I have been doing. Most importantly.... Thank you for choosing me.'

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