Chapter 22

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"ok. Enough. I don't want to see you guy's strange flirting today. Can we please just move on. " Izuku had decided it had gone on for long enough after watching them fight and flirt in between their fights.

" " We are not flirting!! " "

" Yeah yeah, you're not. Kiss and make up or something"

He was going to ignore how dabi's flame let out a few Sparks.

" Dabi I told you not to turn your flames hot" izuku said as he grabbed some burn cream and bandages from his bag,"Give me your hands."

" You should have just frozen him solid without going through so much hassle. "

" Come on fledgling you don't mean it right?"

Izuku gave him a sideways look as he continued his work.

"Next time just freeze him"

" Ok. I'll do just that." Dabi said looking at kaigo with a look ' I dare you to do this shit again ' which hawks pointedly ignored.

" Isn't his quirk fire? Then how can he freeze the chi- I mean hawks? " Second was curious as to why Their nine was asking the black haired boy to freeze the hero. And why the boy had light burns from using his own quirk.

' Dabi's quirk is... Actually kinda complicated and cool at the same time. He can use both fire and ice. But he kinda broke his control over the fire aspect of it. It's now too hot for him to handle.'

They all collectively chose not to ask how he managed to break control over his quirk. Looking at the various burn and skin grafts on the boy it is obvious.

" Oh! I didn't get to ask you before but how's Himichan? I don't see her around in a while."

" Her class had a field trip considering it's a hero school I bet a pack of chips that she's too exhausted to even reach out."

" I bet she's cursing me out like her life depends on it."

" you did convince her to be a hero instead of a villain so..."

" Yeah yeah I'm the one at fault. But I'll only admit it if you too try to be one. "

" You and I both know that's out of the question."

" Oh come on dabes izu can help you out with that you know."

" He'll either have to make a fake identity for me or take the legal route like he did with vampire chick. And for me the legal route is impossible."

" The fake identity could work "

Dabi just gave them a look that says more then he could express himself.

" I'm too old for a hero school. And don't think I can be one looking like this. Not to mention my quirk "

" What's wrong with how you look?! You're hot no matter what!! "




Maybe hawks realized what he had said and that made the winged hero to fly out of the factory building like a bat out of hell. Leaving the flame user gaping at the retreating figure.

" Yeah... He'll be back after buying some fried chicken."

Izuku isn't even going to acknowledge the flame user that was clearly blushing and flustered by the reappearance of the flickering blue flame on his face.

" They are so Entertaining!! "

" I could watch them for days"

" It really is like watching the live version of first and second"

"Shut up!!!"


Izuku had a small smile on his face as he finished bandaging Dabi.

" He's right you know. You're fine just the way you are. And as I said I could help you with your quirk. Also if you don't want to go to a school I think there is someone I could ask for help."

Izuku was thinking if he could ask all might for help. He didn't have that option before. Is it too much? Will he say no? Will-

" Toshi would love to help nine. You should ask him."

"Hey why are you zoning out sometimes. Is something wrong?"

Dabi was curious as to how the bean sprout could ask someone to help him become a hero without going to a hero school. The only way that is possible is if he knew a pro hero other than the winged hero...which he quickly decided he didn't want to get into at the moment. So he asked something that intrigued him from the moment he saw him today.

" Sometimes between conversations you are like spaced out like your focus is on something else entirely. what's up with that?"

" He realized that?"

" He's more perceptive than I thought"

"It's not even that obvious. It's pretty impressive he can pick up on that."

'I know right?! He's so impressive and perceptive in that regard that it's awesome!! I just wish he would try to be a pro hero though. it would be great.'

" Not everyone wants to be a hero kid"

' I know but he is different. He wants to be a hero. More than anything else really. he just needed some help to admit it out loud. Now all he needs is someone to help him achieve that dream or push him in the right direction.'

"And you're that push"

Izuku felt a smile creeping up on his face as he replied, 'yes I am'

" Ok... You are creeping me out.... what is up with you? Why are you smiling like that?"

Dabi is not sure what to make of the scene in front of him. One second izuku is zoning out again in a another second he has one of that smile that promises that someone is going to suffer. And he had a feeling that someone was going to be him.

All he got as an answer was another innocent smile that izuku used to say ' I have no idea what you're talking about'

Yeah.... he is definitely the one who is going to suffer.

" God damnit "

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