All might fought with all for one five years ago.... And if what Dabi said was true.... all for one was still alive.... The super villain who killed..... that bitch killed his family and hurt all might so much that he can't even eat normally. And he's still alive.
Izuku was burning with rage. He had never felt so much pure rage and hatred for anyone else in his life before. Even the feelings he had for Bakugo was a light breeze compared to the bubbling volcano of great rage he felt for that man.
That jolt of white hot fury snapped all the past one for all users out of their chaotic mind set and helped yoichi not slip into a depressive state about the fact his brother was still alive.
" Man.... Who made the baby bird so mad that he looks like he's ready to obliterate someone?"
"I-i don't know? But probably me?" Dabi was so shocked by the rage he was seeing on izuku's face he forgot he was alone with the said boy just moments ago and the one who spoke to him was the same overgrown chicken he was trying to burn until he figured out it was izuku.
" Calm down nine. It's ok. We're here." Nana's soft voice brought izuku out of his rage. As his mind cleared he could feel there worried but calming as ever so noticable buzz in the back of his mind.
"S-Sorry i-i don't-"
"It's ok nine. You Don't have to apologize for anything. You didn't do anything wrong "
Yoichi would be lying if he wasn't a bit touched that their ninth cared so much about them. They felt where his rage was from. They felt his anger over their murderer murdering them. And his want... no... his need to protect his family. And they were his family. He felt the warm feeling he had for their ninth slowly growing and swelling out of his chest. He knows for sure that the others feel the same way even if second and third try hard to deny it.
"Hay kid. Your other friend is here." Second quickly diverted izuku's attention before he apologized again or first saying something he didn't want to hear.
That name was enough to snap Dabi back from the shock he was feeling from the kid. he rounded in on his missed target the same as izuku was doing.
"YOU!!" The mere site of the hero sent Debi over the edge as he started to attack him with his blue fire all over.
"Where the f**K where you!! And which hell hole did you crawl out of you bird brain!!"
"I'm sorry! Stop! I can explain! " Hawks was trying to dodge all the attacks as he flew around trying to calm the fire user down. It wasn't working. He's sure he burnt some of his feathers.
" You wanna explain?! Then explain before I turn you into a roasted chicken!" Dabi said as he slowed down his attack.
Well... Hawks did want to explain but he couldn't explain. So his silence was met with another wave of flames which he barely dodged.
" Do they know each other?" Hikage asked unsure of what is happening.
' yeah. And he's mad at hawks at the same reason I was.'
"But should we stop this? Looks like this Dabi guy is hell bent on burning all of the feathers on his wings tonight..."
' nah~ it's fine. It's their way of flirting so it's cool.'
"Flirting?! A-Are they in a relationship?" Hikage was now flabbergasted. He couldn't see them being in a relationship. They seemed more like enemies if he was being blunt and frenemies if he was being polite.
' it's kinda hard to explain but yes and no. They are still in their flirting phase. They do have some sort of feelings for each other but would fight you to death if you pointed out. It's childish really.'
" So... Like yoichi and the boss?" Third asked far too amused.
Ooohhh~ that was new information~
" W-what are you talking about?!"
" I don't do feelings."
Yeah first's stuttering was so~ convincing as was second when his voice clearly lack the usual bite to it.
'yeah just like them' izuku said in the same way third had asked the question with a smug smile on his face.

Sybil : Tell Me Your Dreams
FanfictionAfter he turned 10 the boy known as Izuku midoriya changed. The timid and shy boy was gone. in his place was a new Izuku Midoriya. A izuku Midoriya who will do anything to make his dream come true. He will be a hero who will be the light for those w...