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It all started off as an innocent enough game of charades between you and your five friends—Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy, and Yeri. Irene was the leader, often coming up with clever charades for the others to guess.

While everyone was having a good time, Yeri's behavior eventually made Wendy uncomfortable. She noticed how Yeri seemed especially close to you, even complimenting you on how quickly you guessed some of Irene's charades.

Wendy rolled her eyes, trying to brush off Yeri's compliments toward you in order to concentrate on the game, but she couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that still lingered. She knew she shouldn't be feeling this way, especially since you were just a friend, but she couldn't help it. Watching Yeri interact with you made her feel like she was losing her grip on something she never really had.

As the game continued, Wendy tried her best to focus on playing and not let her jealousy get the best of her. But every time you smiled at something Yeri said or Yeri leaned in closer to you, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy. Little did you and the rest of the group know, she had actually developed a crush on you, making it difficult for her to watch Yeri get so close to you.

The rage boiled up inside of Wendy, and before anyone could guess Irene's charade, she got up and stormed out of the game. The five of you watched with confusion, not sure why Wendy had become so mad.

"What's up with her?" Yeri asked while everyone stared at Seulgi and Wendy's bedroom door.

Irene shrugged. "I have no idea. Maybe she's just frustrated with the game."

Seulgi let out a sigh and said as she followed Wendy, "Let me go check on her."

"Maybe we should take a break from the game then and let her cool off," you proposed.

The group nodded in agreement and decided to take a break from the game to give Wendy some time alone.

As the group took a break, you sat alone, lost in thought, wondering if there was something more going on with her. You wondered if it was related to how accurately you were guessing the answers during the game. However, you also couldn't help but consider the possibility of Wendy having the same feelings for you (which the girls were unaware of as well) and unintentionally hurting her by being too friendly with Yeri.

Meanwhile, in their room, Seulgi sat next to Wendy on the bed and asked what happened. Wendy hesitated at first but eventually opened up to her, admitting that she had developed feelings for you but didn't know how to express them. She felt jealous seeing you and Yeri together, but she didn't want to ruin your friendship.

"You know, it's okay to feel jealous sometimes. It's a natural emotion," Seulgi said softly. "But you shouldn't let it consume you."

Wendy gave a weary sigh. "I know, I just can't help it. Yeri is always so outgoing and charming. It's hard not to feel overshadowed."

Seulgi placed a comforting hand on Wendy's knee. "But you have your own unique qualities that make you special. You don't need to compete with anyone else. Just be yourself and let your own light shine."

After Wendy remained silent and considered whether or not to tell you the truth, Seulgi saw right through her thoughts and encouraged Wendy to talk to you about how she felt and be honest with you.

"But what if Y/N distances herself from me?" Wendy asked, her voice filled with worry.

Seulgi shook her head. "I don't think she will. Y/N is a good friend, and she values your friendship. Just because she's also friends with Yeri doesn't mean she likes you any less."

As Wendy silently acknowledged her words, her fear of losing you continued to creep in, and soon enough, Seulgi could see the tears in her eyes.

"It's okay to be scared," Seulgi said. "But you can't keep this inside forever. You need to talk to Y/N and tell her how you feel. I know it's hard, but it's the only way things will get better."

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