hidden thrills and hidden feelings, pt. 2

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< high school au >

warning: contains themes of physical injury, manipulation, jealousy, and endangerment

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As you started to regain consciousness, your mind was foggy, and your body ached all over. Strange beeping sounds filled your ears as you slowly opened your heavy eyes, blinking against the bright white light above you.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" a familiar voice asked gently.

You turned your head weakly to see Suho sitting next to your hospital bed, his red-rimmed eyes showing his exhaustion and concern.

"Suho... what happened?" you croaked, your throat feeling dry and scratchy.

He helped you take a sip of water through a straw before answering.

"There was an accident at the BMX show. When you did your backflip trick, something must have gone wrong with your bike. We heard a loud crack, and you lost control and crashed hard," he explained somberly. "You've been unconscious all night. The doctors had to operate to repair some internal bleeding and fractures. You're very lucky to be alive."

As his words started coming back to you, fuzzy memories of soaring through the air and then sudden, jarring pain flooded your mind. You recalled the thrill of performing for the crowd and the sick dread when everything went wrong. Tears welled up in your eyes as you realized how close of a call it was.

Just then, the door to your room opened, and your parents rushed in, looking harried and distraught.

"Oh, sweetheart, thank God, you're awake!" your mom cried, wrapping you in a gentle hug.

Your dad squeezed your hand tightly, his stoic face betraying his fear and relief.

"We came as soon as the hospital called. We were so worried about you," he said gruffly.

You felt guilty putting them through such stress with your risky hobby, realizing now how much they cared about your wellbeing despite disapproving of BMX.

As your parents fretted over you and asked the doctors questions, your mind drifted to Wendy and the terrible fight you'd had at the party before everything went wrong. Did she even know what happened to you? You turned to Suho quietly.

"Did you try calling Wendy to let her know? I want to explain and apologize."

Suho sighed regretfully. "I left her a message last night, but she never called back. I'm sorry. I don't know if she even got it or... cares anymore after how you two left things."

You felt a pang of sadness at Suho's words. As much as you wanted to make amends with Wendy, you understood why she might not want to see or talk to you after everything that happened. Your biggest priority now was focusing on your recovery.

* * *

You drifted in and out of sleep as your parents and doctors monitored your recovery. At one point, you awoke to hear muffled voices in the hallway. Through the cracked door, you and Suho could make out Wendy and Haseul arguing quietly but heatedly.

They were walking down the hospital hallway, Wendy trying to process her conflicted emotions in visiting you. Her concern battled with lingering hurt over your deception.

"I just needed to see for myself that Y/N was okay. Even after everything, I still care about her safety." Wendy sighed. "It's not fair that she suffered this because of me."

Haseul scoffed. "Please, it was her own reckless actions that led to this, not you. There was already something wrong with her bike. These stunt riders always cut corners."

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